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Thesis-Writing Week: Remembered

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

It so happened this year that Reading Week fell right before the draft for my 40-page undergraduate thesis was due. At first I thought this make a good opportunity for me to finish it:

But then, as my living room became covered in papers, I realized my Reading Break was becoming a thesis-writing marathon. 

And wondering how I’m ever going to make the required page count.

And wishing the darn thing would just write itself.

Finally I realized I had to pull myself together and just muscle through it.

I have to say goodbye to Reading Week, but at least it has allowed me to get some quality writing time in. I shall go forth and conquer the thesis!


Jacqueline Marchioni is a fifth year Honours English major and a Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice minor.