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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

Meet Tess Forest! An anonymous submitter had this to say about Tess: 

“She is a cutie in the literal, physically attractive sense. However, the word cutie does not describe the wildly intelligent, optimistic, beautiful soul that is Tess Forest. She gets giddy over events like siesta’s in Spanish class, making dinner with her roommates, and running extremely long distances. She appreciates the simple things in life, yet has the ability to fathom even the most complex concepts in arts, sciences, humour, and friendship. She’s hilarious, competitive (in a good way) and she is extremely patriotic; NO ONE loves dairy products quite like Tess. All of these qualities make her one of the most infectious people to be around. She is someone who will improve your day simply with her smile. Lastly, this cutie makes the BEST pie.”


Here’s some more fun facts about Tess: 

The Basics

Name: Tess Allegra Forest

Faculty: Arts (Cognitive Systems and Linguistics)

Year: 4th

Hometown: Madison, Wisconsin, USA. 


All About Tess 

Favorite childhood memory: Making homemade ice cream every summer on Macomb Island.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Morocco.

If you won a million dollars, what is the first thing you would buy? I’d pay mine and my brother’s university tuition. (After that probably coffee).

Hidden talent: Knitting, and singing along to Shakira in broken Spanish, especially while cooking.


Tess and UBC

Favorite memory at UBC so far: I love Farmade and the UBC Bike Rave a lot, so maybe one of those. I also relish being up early and getting to walk around campus before everyone else is awake, especially on days you can see the mountains- Although that isn’t a specific memory, it is something I’m definitely going to miss about UBC.

Most enjoyable class, and why: Maybe Phonology (because I learned a ton), or COGS 300 (since we got to build robots out of Lego), or Infancy (since the topic was super fascinating and one day there were babies in class). Or maybe Spanish 101 which I’m in now, (since it’s basically just a continuous fiesta).



Romance Status: Does “Dating my thesis project” count?

Most attractive quality in someone: Having goals they are excited about working towards, and competency on skis (or a willingness to learn).

Ideal date: A hike and trail lunch I don’t have to worry about the logistics for.

Celebrity crush: Andrew Garfield, Emma Watson.


Emily Morehead is a fourth-year Honours Political Science major and a Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice minor - and the current co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus UBC! :) She hopes to pursue law in the future and run for office someday. Emily loves taking long hikes up mountains, traveling to new places, and obsessing over cute corgis.