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My Reactions to the Presidential Election: A Timeline

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

Throughout this long whirlwind of a presidential election, I have experienced emotions ranging from amusement to utter terror. Although I’ve mainly watched the election unfold from the comfort of my UBC residence in Canada, where so many Americans are now considering running away to, I have felt deeply affected and worried by this election. I know that my American and Canadian friends have felt greatly impacted too. In the spirit of the emotional rollercoaster this election has brought us on, here is a timeline of my reactions to this election so far: 


Blissful Ignorance  

Oh, May 2015. We were so innocent then. Little did we know what was to come. 



My reaction to Donald Trump announcing his candidacy? Eh. Didn’t think much would come from it. 



The presidential primary debates and the memes that followed were pretty funny. Harmless laughter, right? 



That moment when I realized that the presidential primaries weren’t just all fun and games and that Donald Trump could actually win the primaries. 



When the presidential primaries are over and you realize this is the way it is. 



As November has gotten closer, I’ve definitely thought through some escape plans. 



Despite this election not being ideal, I’ll be exercising my right to vote come election day! Let’s make a difference!


Hang in there during the rest of election season, HCUBC cuties! 









Emily Morehead is a fourth-year Honours Political Science major and a Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice minor - and the current co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus UBC! :) She hopes to pursue law in the future and run for office someday. Emily loves taking long hikes up mountains, traveling to new places, and obsessing over cute corgis.