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The Life of an American in Canada, and a Canadian in America

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

Growing up in California, I was always known as the “Canadian”. Despite having only lived in Toronto until the age of 5, the jokes about what Canadians are like stuck with me relentlessly. When I moved to back to Canada after high school to attend the University of British Columbia, I took on a whole new set of jokes – American ones. I am sure any Canadian-American dual citizen can understand. I hope you will enjoy my lovely list of some of the things I have heard and experienced along the way as a result of my double-identity. Enjoy


In America: “How aboot that maple syrup, eh?”

Over the years, I have come to realize that my fellow Americans cannot grasp the idea that Canada has a range of dialects just like the United States does.  


In Canada: *insert superior comment about how Canada is better than America here*

Yes, the United States has its problems, and very publicly so, but let’s not pretend like Canada doesn’t have its own problems or its own history to be embarrassed about!


In America: “It must be because you’re Canadian!”

The response every time I did something weird in high school. 


In Canada: “Americans are all so ignorant!”

Excuse me? So original. 


In America: “Stop trying to make Celsius happen”

I refuse to convert to Fahrenheit, ever. My American friends were not always so impressed.


In Canada: “Americans eat so much”

Can’t argue too much on this one. I can handle my portion sizes, let me tell you!


In America: “Why would you want to go to university in Canada?”

Maybe because there are amazing universities outside the United States too? 


In Canada: “You are all way too obssessed with guns”

It may not be everyone….but this is mostly true.


In America: “Sing the Canadian national anthem for us”​​​

I was late to class once in 7th grade, and I actually had to do this in front of the class.


In Canada: “What the *%$)^$# is going on down there?”

I wish I could say.


Despite all the stereotypes, Americans and Canadians are way more similar than you think – and that doesn’t need to be a bad thing. Hope you enjoyed this list, HCUBC cuties! 



Emily Morehead is a fourth-year Honours Political Science major and a Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice minor - and the current co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus UBC! :) She hopes to pursue law in the future and run for office someday. Emily loves taking long hikes up mountains, traveling to new places, and obsessing over cute corgis.