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10 Signs You’re Experiencing a Quarter Life Crisis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

Hello fellow quarter lifers! So, you’ve reached a juncture in your life where you’re slowly transitioning from your teenage years into adulthood. You may be finding that your 20s are not turning out to match the expectations and standards you set out for yourself when you were an unworldly high-schooler, but don’t fret. It’s worth pointing out that a lot of people feel this way when they’re about to graduate or have just graduated from college. Here, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 signs you’re going through what is formally known as a quarter life crisis!

1.     You’ve started to feel nostalgic for your high school days.

2.     But you’ve realized that your hopes and dreams as a naïve and idealistic 18 year old are merely hopes and dreams. 

3.     The thought of settling for the substandard, the convenient, and the expected causes you to react like this:

4.     So now you think you’re getting old. The clock is ticking and your life needs to go in a different direction.

5.     You’ve concluded that its time to do something crazy and adventurous. Should you move to a new city? Or abandon everything and take a gap year to travel and “find yourself”? Perhaps go to grad school? Or maybe even engaged to your longtime boyfriend/girlfriend?!

6.     In a moment of desperation, you’ve also applied to every internship, every job, every volunteering opportunity, every grad school that may seem remotely relevant to your future aspirations. 

7.  This is your response when someone asks you the daunting question of what you want to do with the rest of your life:

8. You’re considering dramatically changing your appearance. Perhaps chopping off your hair to achieve a super edgy look or getting an unexpected piercing or a tattoo?

9. If you’re single, this is your dating life in a nutshell: 

10. But for now, you’ve decided to live vicariously through your favourite TV characters. This  involves binge watching every TV show on Netflix. 

What do you mean I finished that season already?