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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

New Year, New You

Every year, I always say this will be “my year” and make a list of things I want to accomplish. Most times I end up detouring from this list and may not have had the year I was hoping for. So this year, I’m going to set more realistic goals rather than resolutions to actually accomplish for 2018. The top 3 things that I’ll be focusing on this year, that I think everyone should consider doing, are Self-Love, Self-Growth, and Self Perseverance.


Self-love really is just anything that you feel you need to do to be more in love with yourself. I know that I’ve struggled a lot with that concept especially when it comes to being comfortable in my own skin. But, you really it’s just a true journey of self-actualization and realizing how wonderful and beautiful you really and not letting anything, or anyone tell you otherwise. You can’t love others until you love yourself first.


Growth is something that we all have to learn how to do for ourselves. Self-Growth includes growing as a person, as an adult, and growing into the person you’ve always wanted to be. Taking time to focus on yourself and taking a true evaluation of yourself and seeing whether or not the decisions and choices you’ve made in life are helping you grow into the person you want to be. If they are then great, but if not then maybe you need to reassess certain things in your life.


Persevering means being headstrong about something you are trying to achieve and being able to bounce back from any obstacle that may come your way. Having self-perseverance is important because in college and life in general there are going to be things that you may want to do that you may not be so comfortable about or have situations where things aren’t going as planned. You have to be able to bounce back from that and not take defeat but instead learn from it to make yourself stronger.

So, this year I challenge you to really think about these things and see how well rounded you are in them. Have a great new year and semester!