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Did You Tune Into Grown-ish Season One?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

In college you barely have time to watch TV. As full-time student who works and is involved on campus, I had NO idea what shows came on TV; until I ordered Hulu. I stumbled across Blackish last year and loved the concept of the show. Whenever I would had the chance to watch it, which is rare, I would watch the new episodes. Over Spring Break, I caught up on Blackish and Grownish. The Johnson family’s oldest daughter is stepping into this present reality as she goes off to college. Zoey investigates the principal trappings of adulthood and explores through the hardships of these groundbreaking advances. Zoey finds that once she leaves the home, things don’t generally go in her direction. However, she is learning how to handle college and goes through many similar firsts that all college students go through. Both of these shows are real in that they show the non-edited version of what happens in real life yet in a sitcom setting. They are very relatable and I would highly recommend both!