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To All The Single Ladies on Valentines Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

Single on Valentines Day yet another year? It’s okay, me too! But who cares? Enjoy it! Here’s a little something that I hope will make your day❤️


First things first, you are BEAUTIFUL & don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You don’t need a Valentine to reinsure you of that!

Secondly, Valentines Day is sooo overrated! I mean if your significant other has to wait until this day to spoil you or lavish you with gifts then their not the one for you! You should be spoiled EVERYDAY.


Lastly, TREAT YO SELF! Don’t have a Valentine? Who cares, treat your self girl. Go out and buy all the chocolates, ice cream, oversized teddy bears you want. You can binge a little today, it’s okay. Take yourself out to dinner or a movie … you deserve it! Or treat yourself to a shopping spree at your favorite stores. Or even get together with your other single friends and enjoy a night of festivities …. the more the merrier!!!

The University of Alabama at Birmingham Alumnae | Her Campus Chapter Advisor?