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3 Reasons Why I’m Content with Being Away from Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

Going off to college can be scary for some. It’s a new time in your life, you’re away from home, and it’s hard for you. Then there are some of us who LOVE it. We love the freedom, distance, the new environment, and the fresh start and that is OKAY!

1. Freedom

Being away from home means you have all the freedom in the world. There isn’t anyone there to tell you what to do, when to clean your room, or do your laundry… and NO curfew! When you finally do go back home and are living with your parents again, they always seem to pull the “my house, my rules” crap and I’m sorry, but no adult wants to hear that.

2. No Drama

Your siblings aren’t around, so you don’t have to hear them whining and complaining about everything. Going home for a weekend or the holidays is supposed to be relaxing and a time to enjoy your family, but that never happens because your siblings always start fights with you.

3. You Can Never Get Anything Done

If you’re going home for the weekend and you have a test the following Monday, you can forget about studying for it. You’ll never be able to get anything done. Someone ALWAYS wants you to make the grocery store runs, fast-food runs, or wants you to babysit. Us college students have classes and work all week; when we come home for a weekend, we don’t want to do be the maid!

So I’m sorry, but if going home for a weekend, school break, or holiday means it’s filled with drama, no freedom, and I can’t get any of my work done, then yes, I’m content with being away from home… but that doesn’t mean I love my family any less than those who see theirs every day.

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