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Sydney Stein: Real Woman, Real Leader

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Wyoming chapter.

Junior Sydney Stein embodies the type of woman who will find herself in leadership positions no matter where she goes. Not only is she an RA, an honors student majoring in Communication with a minor in Women’s Studies, a committee chair for the University of Wyoming Women’s Leadership conference, founder of a peer mentor program for honors students, attendee of the 2015 Women’s Leadership conference in Washington D.C. and a peer mentor, she also started the campaign Real Women, Real Bodies in 2014. In all the madness of being such a presence on campus, Sydney took the time to chat with me over lunch one day.   Real Women, Real Bodies is about promoting positive body image for women and men. I asked Sydney what had ignited the drive to start Real Women, Real Bodies. She told me the campaign idea stemmed from a design concept idea. To bring this idea to life, she wanted to see all types of women pose; which would result in more body-positive feelings and confidence for the women involved. Naturally, Sydney promoted positive body image on posters around campus using women of all shapes and sizes to be on the posters. She says of her idea, “We live in a comparison-heavy society and it’s hard to see 5% of body types being shown. How can I combat this and make others feel positive, and not lesser?”   When we spoke about the future of Real Women, Real Bodies, Sydney confidently said, “To put out campaigns at least once a year, if not once a semester, also, to host an event once a year. Real Women, Real Bodies can make an impact by doing impactful things, meaning not many things that create oversaturation.” This might include guest speakers, so be sure to keep an eye out! I asked Sydney about the future she sees for herself. Sydney hopes to work in a magazine or nonprofit, not surprisingly, to make positive social change—something she is already doing. Almost anywhere you go on campus, you’ll see the posters for Real Women, Real Bodies.The final piece of information Sydney wants everyone to know: everyone is welcome to come to the photoshoots because Real Women, Real Bodies encourages all women and men to participate. The meetings are Wednesdays at 7 pm in the Union, room 202. The next Women’s Leadership Conference is November 6th and 7th and both men and women are encouraged to attend.



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Emily Cornell

U Wyoming '17

Emily is a graduate of the University of Wyoming with a Bachelor's in Business Management and Master's in Communication. In terms of career, Emily interned for Wyoming Athletics, and wants to eventually work in sports marketing. When not working or in class, she can typically be found baking cheesecakes, drinking coffee, or having random adventures. If the idea of these three things seem exciting, you can follow her on Instagram or Twitter, username: emilproblems.