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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Wyoming chapter.

As the weather gets colder, the necessity for indoor activities increases. Of course more engaging activities exist outside of movie nights. But let’s be real, who doesn’t love a good movie night? A cup of tea (or a beer, coffee, wine, etc.) and a bucket of popcorn to dive face first into paired with a movie sounds like a nice way to end the week. Here are some ideas from across the board for that movie night depending on what you’re feeling.

A Love Story with Excitement: The Princess Bride

If you want an action packed story with fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, and miracles, this is the movie for you. It will make you believe in twoo wuv.

Something to Get You Pumped: Top Gun

A movie about true friendship while on the highway to the danger zone. Who doesn’t love a killer soundtrack paired with some jets?

Something You Likely Can Quote: Mean Girls

I’m still trying to make fetch happen all thanks to the comedic brilliance of Tina Fey.

Something to Make You Think: Inception

Still not really sure about the ending, but Leo brings his A-game as usual.


A Family Centered Movie: Sisters

Maybe your movie choice makes you feel like you’re running with scissors. Don’t worry, again, Tina and Amy got you.


Humor You Feel Slightly Guilty Watching: 21 Jump Street

I don’t know who else still gets asked if their a high school student, but maybe because Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum legit look 30. They set the bar for how high school student should look, so I assume college students should then look 40?

An Offbeat Story: Juno

Get off your hamburger phone, for some lighthearted humor and a killer soundtrack.






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Emily Cornell

U Wyoming '17

Emily is a graduate of the University of Wyoming with a Bachelor's in Business Management and Master's in Communication. In terms of career, Emily interned for Wyoming Athletics, and wants to eventually work in sports marketing. When not working or in class, she can typically be found baking cheesecakes, drinking coffee, or having random adventures. If the idea of these three things seem exciting, you can follow her on Instagram or Twitter, username: emilproblems. 
Kaitlyn is a recent grad the University of Wyoming, where she got her degree in Marketing. She has been the Campus Correspondent for a Pink level chapter, a Chapter Advisor to some amazing chapters, and now has the pleasure of being a Region Leader. Born and raised on the Western Slope of Colorado, her love for nature and the outdoors comes naturally. Kaitlyn lives for football season, but finds way to stay preoccupied during the off-season. She enjoys long walks in the mountains, beer as cold as her heart, and bacon on her burgers. You can follow Kaitlyn’s adventures on Instagram, @kaysoup.