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Meet HC Wyoming: Hailee Riddle

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Wyoming chapter.

Name: Hailee Riddle

Major: Psychology

Class Standing: Junior

Role in HC: Co-Campus Correspondent

Why did you join HC?

I joined HC to get involved on campus. At the time, one of my friends from high school was on the executive board and she convinced me to become a writer.

What do you love about HC?

I love how accepting everyone in the group is. We all support each others ideas and articles and we have lots of fun! I am thankful for what HC has already done for me in these three short years!

What’s the most valuable piece of advice you’ve received?

It’s okay to receive help from people, you don’t always have to be “Miss Independent”.

What fictional place would you most love to visit?

Hogwarts! Ravenclaw 4 lyfe.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Being able to breath under water would be pretty cool.

Are you usually early or late?

30-45 minutes early, everywhere I go. If I’m late, I go into an instant panic.

Favorite college course so far?

Developmental Psychopathology, I know, it’s a mouthful. This class is all about intellectual, psychological, and physical disorders in children. This class is super interesting and I recommend it to anyone looking for an upper division course!

What’s your typical restaurant order?

BLT with avocado. I love BLTs.

What is your favorite show to binge watch?

It is hard to pick just one. I’d say my favorite is definitely New Girl because I can put on any episode and know every word. I also LOVE Game of Thrones and Parks and Recreation.

Where is your favorite place?

My favorite place is the Big Horn Mountains. They are home to me.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Graduating from occupational therapy school, finding a place to start my career, and being happy.

What is one item you cannot live without and why?

My laptop and my blanket because I love cuddling up and doing homework or watching Netflix.

Favorite Food?

Red Lobster biscuits, you know the ones. And pickles.

What is one thing about college that you wish you knew before you got here?

I wish I knew that balancing a social life and school work was going to be hard. It sucks when you have to leave your friends to study, but my degree has to be priority. Also, its okay to call your parents often. They miss you.

Why should someone join HC?

We aren’t large in number, but we are a good group of people. We also always have snacks. If you’re on the edge about joining, take the leap and come to a meeting. New people are always welcome!


Picture by HC U Wyoming Photographer

Abbey is a senior at the University of Wyoming and is currently majoring in Journalism. She couldn't imagine a world without Jesus, coffee, The 1975, Twitter or her family. You'll usually find her at a concert or cafe somewhere, which is where she spends majority of her free-time. Talking to band members after their shows is a hobby, along with thrifting & indulging in all aspects of pop culture. After college, she plans to spend more time at concerts, getting paid to write about music and bands.
Hailee Riddle

U Wyoming '20

Writing is hard, but I love it. "Little girls with dreams become women with vision." HC U Wyoming Writing since 2016