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The First Week After Winter Break (As Told by Harry Potter)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Wyoming chapter.

Five weeks away seemed like a long time to be away. Now we’re all back and ready to get back into school mode. Or so we think…

You get back to town and cannot wait to see everyone:

Then syllabus week rolls in like:

Except, when you read the syllabus you feel like:

And you realize this semester may be the hardest semester of your life:

Leaving you’re like:


You look at all of your deadlines got you like:


You’re pretty sure by the end of the semester you’ll be like:

On the bright side, you’re back with your friends and will probably meet some really cool people!

Good luck with the first week back, collegiettes!

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Emily Cornell

U Wyoming '17

Emily is a graduate of the University of Wyoming with a Bachelor's in Business Management and Master's in Communication. In terms of career, Emily interned for Wyoming Athletics, and wants to eventually work in sports marketing. When not working or in class, she can typically be found baking cheesecakes, drinking coffee, or having random adventures. If the idea of these three things seem exciting, you can follow her on Instagram or Twitter, username: emilproblems. 
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Sarah Ott

U Wyoming

Sara is a senior Marketing major at the University of Wyoming. She is a Co-Founder and Campus Correspondent of Wyoming's Her Campus chapter, along with President of the Student Alumni Association, and Director of Marketing for ASUW Student Government. When she's not having mental breakdowns from stress, she enjoys cuddling with her roommate's cat and hiding under a mound of blankets. All she really wants is to live somewhere where it's warm year round and to not be berated for her massive tea consumption. To check out her ridiculous and crazy life, check out her Instagram, username: twigott