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20 Reasons My Cat is Better Than Your Boyfriend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Wyoming chapter.


1. She doesn’t care what I look like. EVER. Whether I look homeless or straight off the set of a James Bond movie, as long as she’s fed, none of it matters.

Side-note: She’s never once side-eyed me for leaving the house in questionable attire.

2. I can spend FOREVER  getting ready and she will just sit on the sink and watch me. Train your boyfriend to do that.

3.     Just like your boyfriend, she too can be a shithead at times. The difference? She does something adorable to make up for it seconds later.

4.     When she tries to sneak into the house it’s humorous. We don’t even need to bring up what happens if your boyfriend is sneaking in…

5.     We don’t have to play twenty questions any time I want to go out. I tell her I’m going out, pat her adorable little head, and leave.

6.     On that note, she also isn’t grumpy with me when I get home later than I originally said. We usually just eat drunk food together, cuddle, and go to sleep.

7.     I don’t wake up to morning wood in my back.

8.     She’s never too busy to hang out with me.

9.     She’s always down for a nap.

10.  She doesn’t hog the popcorn bowl during a movie.

11. She hardly ever talks back, but if she does it’s the most precious amount of sass ever.

12. She doesn’t care how many guy friends I have…just so long as they like cats, that is.

13. When she does something dumb, we laugh, and move on. When your boyfriend does something dumb it either ends with him in the hospital, you two in a fight, but most likely maybe both.

14. I can get her a cardboard box, and it is the coolest present ever.

P.S. Your boyfriend hated those socks you got him.

15.  When she’s sick she’s still adorable, and tolerable. Your boyfriend acts like he’s dying. #nothanks

16.  We never argue about what to watch.

17. When she lays on me it’s just a little pillow of fluff, when your boyfriend lays on you, you lose your oxygen and will to live.

18.  When she forgets how to cat it’s hilarious. When your boyfriend forgets how to boyfriend, it’s lethal.

19.  When I say I want to cuddle, WE CUDDLE. What a concept…

20. No matter what, I know she loves me and isn’t going anywhere… Mostly because she’s locked in my apartment, but still.


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Kaitlyn is a recent grad the University of Wyoming, where she got her degree in Marketing. She has been the Campus Correspondent for a Pink level chapter, a Chapter Advisor to some amazing chapters, and now has the pleasure of being a Region Leader. Born and raised on the Western Slope of Colorado, her love for nature and the outdoors comes naturally. Kaitlyn lives for football season, but finds way to stay preoccupied during the off-season. She enjoys long walks in the mountains, beer as cold as her heart, and bacon on her burgers. You can follow Kaitlyn’s adventures on Instagram, @kaysoup.
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Sarah Ott

U Wyoming

Sara is a senior Marketing major at the University of Wyoming. She is a Co-Founder and Campus Correspondent of Wyoming's Her Campus chapter, along with President of the Student Alumni Association, and Director of Marketing for ASUW Student Government. When she's not having mental breakdowns from stress, she enjoys cuddling with her roommate's cat and hiding under a mound of blankets. All she really wants is to live somewhere where it's warm year round and to not be berated for her massive tea consumption. To check out her ridiculous and crazy life, check out her Instagram, username: twigott