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Why We Don’t (And Shouldn’t) Have White History Month

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.

Every February, North Americans celebrate Black History Month to acknowledge the contributions Black Americans have made to history, specifically in the United states. Yet, every year, people criticize the movement, calling for a White History Month. 

The arguments for White History Month are virtually the same: if everyone is equal regardless of ethnicity, shouldn’t White Americans be able to celebrate their heritage without appearing racist? Thus, advocates for White History Month may sound progressive and egalitarian, but in reality they are ignorant about the reasons we have Black History Month and the reasons why having a white counterpart is wrong.

A Few Reasons Why we Don’t Need White History Month: 


1. All history is “White History,” since the contributions of White Americans and Europeans dominate history textbooks and the education system..                                                                  

2. White people have not experienced the same marginalization of their culture and identity.      

3. If we did not have Black History Month, history of black people, apart from slavery and Martin Luther King Jr., would go virtually unnoticed. 

4. Black History Month is not used as a tool to “oppress White People” but to empower Black People.

5. Black History Month arose from centuries of exclusion of Black People, which White People cannot relate to.

6. Black History Month was originally Negro History Week in 1926, when it was founded as a multicultural movement to unite Americans of all ethnicities to celebrate the achievements of Black Americans.

7. Black History Month acknowledges African diaspora as the vast majority of black Americans’ ancestors were brought to North America as slaves and their African culture was suppressed.

8. Dr. Carter G. Woodson, who founded Negro History Week, intended to end the stigmas and hatred against Black People through awareness. 

9. Dedicating a month to White People further devalues the voices of Black People.

10. Instead of educating themselves about Black History, people waste time whining about how there is no White History Month – which proves white supremacy continues to exist today.  

If these aren’t enough reasons why we don’t have White History Month, I suggest you refer to the picture below. 

Samantha is a third year UBC student majoring in Political Science. Samantha loves any kind of tea, drawing, reading, and traveling to new places. Her favourite thing to do is play with animals and write stories. One day, she hopes to have traveled to every continent.
Femi Tunde-Oladepo is in her final year at the University of Victoria where she is studying at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business. After her undergrad, Femi hopes to read law and master French, Spanish and Italian. She is an active volunteer in her community and enjoys working with the Rotaract Club on campus. Having filled numerous notebooks as a child, Femi adores writing — especially short stories. She likes to dance (spontaneously), listen to all genres of music, laugh loudly and be the sassiest person in a room. In her spare time, Femi likes to window shop online, go for runs and reorganize spaces. One day, Femi hopes to perfect the art of soft pretzels. Follow her on Instagram @femzieb to see her attempts at being artsy and pensive.