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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.

Acts of service, physical touch, quality time, receiving gifts, and words of affirmation. The love languages are a concept originating from a book by Gary Chapman called The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate. Simply put, it describes the five ways individuals prefer to give and receive love that makes them feel the most cherished. If you don’t know your own or your partner’s preferred love language, there are many quizzes and detailed descriptions available for you to find online. 

So, if you’re trying to find your lover a perfectly tailored and heartfelt Valentine’s Day gift, look no further. Below we have compiled some gift ideas that will correspond perfectly to your significant other’s love language and leave them feeling admired by you!

Acts of Service

Healthline states that people with the love language acts of service desire someone to do “selfless, thoughtful things” for them. What these things look like varies from partner to partner and can be fulfilled in a variety of ways.

For Valentine’s Day, a romantic home-cooked meal might be just the thing to help your partner relax and have their desires fulfilled. If cooking isn’t your forte, ordering takeout from your partner’s favourite restaurant can be just as rewarding. If you want to go a step further, you could take charge and plan the whole of Valentine’s Day. Select a restaurant, or a post-dinner activity such as a movie or a party, and then rewind back at home with your favourite snacks and a good ole box of chocolates. 
The most important thing when considering acts of service as your partner’s love language is to be thoughtful and help relieve stress. If you can take charge and help plan a romantic evening for the two of you, you’re certainly moving in the right direction.

Physical Touch

People whose love language is physical touch believe that “expressing and receiving love through physical contact is important.” They require touch to feel connected to those they love and enjoy the physicality of a relationship. 
When thinking of someone whose love language is physical touch, many people’s minds might jump to the conclusion that sex is highly important to them. While this can be true, it’s not necessarily the rule. There are many ways this desire to connect through touch can be fulfilled. For example, if you’re looking for a gift idea for Valentine’s Day, you might consider booking a massage for you and your partner and relax together. Another more personal option is you could try an at-home massage and help your partner rewind after a long day. Afterward, you two can cuddle up together on the couch and have them choose their favourite movie to finish up your romantic evening.

Quality Time

According to Healthline, people with the love language quality timefeel most loved and appreciated when people they care about make time to be together and give their undivided attention.” 
In my opinion, the best gift for those with the quality time love language is an experience gift. Something the two of you can go and experience as a couple, whether that’s dinner, a movie, or mini-golfing, it’s the perfect present for this Valentine’s Day. If you’re not sold and would prefer a tangible gift, I would recommend a present that you can enjoy together such as a couple’s/two-player tabletop game or a movie scratch-off poster to document the films you’ve watched with one another.

Receiving Gifts

People with the love language receiving gifts cherish physical tokens of their partner’s affection. There’s not necessarily an emphasis on size, amount, or price but rather the thought and meaning behind the present. 
When it comes to those with the love language receiving gifts, they most prefer meaningful and individualized gifts, but if you’re completely stumped, I’m here to help. You have two choices: a classic Valentine’s Day gift of hearts and roses or something a little more unique. Either way, you have many options available to tailor your gift to your significant other’s particular style.

Classic Valentine’s Day Gifts: 

For a traditional Valentine’s Day gift, I would suggest some type of combination of chocolates, flowers, a blanket, or jewelry (in your SO’s preferred metal), all tied together with a heartfelt handwritten letter. 

Valentine’s Day Gifts Reimagined: 

As for a more unique gift, I would suggest a tea variety pack with a nice microwave/heat-safe mug; a cocktail kit; or self-care items including a diffuser, slippers, scalp massage comb, or a hot and cold eye mask. 

Words of Affirmation

People with the love language words of affirmation feel most cherished when love is expressed through words. Words of love, encouragement, or acknowledgment of their importance are all very appreciated. 

For this Valentine’s Day, a handwritten love letter is the best gift for your word of affirmation SO. This can be a daunting task, but just be sincere, talk about the romantic times you two had together, and write out some of the reasons you love your partner. If this is really not your style, there’s still hope for you yet. 

If you’re looking for a way to show your words rather than just telling them, I would recommend annotating a book/poem that reminds you of your significant other, or an engraved piece of jewelry with a phrase representing your love.

Jess Bayda

U Vic '26

Jess is currently a second-year pre-social work student at the University of Victoria. She has been with UVic's Her Campus chapter since 2023, and participates in both writing and editing. Jess is quite an active member as she loves procrastinating her university assignments by writing Her Campus articles. In her free time she also enjoys drawing, watching movies, and exploring downtown Victoria.
Cella Pop

U Vic '26

Cella is a second-year Classics and English student and this is her first year as a writer for Uvic HerCampus. She has a passion for anything involving the ancient Greek world and is always eager to discuss the topic. Cella is working towards completing her undergraduate degree in Victoria before hopefully making the move to England for law school. When she's not studying, Cella loves to read and write creative fiction, listen to Lana Del Rey, snuggle her cat, and go thrifting.