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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.

The end of the year is coming up and so are finals. Finals can be a very stressful time, especially if you don’t have the proper study habits to help you succeed at UVic. This includes where you should study on campus. Having the perfect study place can help you to better organize yourself and reduce your stress levels!

Most of you have a hardtime finding a good place to study in;   you get easily distracted in your comfy rooms. Lucky for you, I have found the BEST places on campus for studying. So rest assured because procrastination will be no more!


1.The library of course! The second and third floors in the Library  are considered the silent study floors so if you like peace and quiet, that is the place to be.

Tip: if you are in need of a computer; you should get to the library immediately after it opens.

2. The curriculum library on the MacLaurin building. It’s a cozy environment where eating is absolutely okay! Located on the second floor in the D wing, this study area has a small variety of seating, from couches to comfortable computer chairs.

Tip: Don’t expect to be able to read into the wee hours of the night here! The hours for this study space are 8am to 5:45 pm on weekdays and 10am on 5:45 on Sunday.

3. The Law Library. Despite the name you don’t have to be a law student to study here! The law library is open to all with some resources that are only available to UVic law students. With longer hours than the Curriculum library, this study space is great especially when classes end and McPherson is crammed with students.

Tip: Need a study room? There are some here, however, watch out because a few contain ONLY chairs.

4. A lounge/common room on residence! If you are living on campus, you can go to the lounge in your building or, if you live off campus,  study with your best buddy who happens to live on rez. This helps because you don’t have to feel bad about needing a break due to the relaxed environment.

Tip: Lounges are not official study places. It may get loud (with people chatting or the TV blaring) so if you can’t handle background noise, avoid this area at all costs.

5. The first and  second floor of the University Centre. There are multiple tables, chairs and  couches so you can sit there and study as needed. It’s rare to see anyone up on the second floor so it’s pretty quiet.

Tip: Pack light. If you manage to snag a table, they usually are not big enough for more than a textbook and notebook.

6. Outside. One of the greatest things about spring semester is the ability to study outside. There is lots of space outside of   the library in the evening or late afternoon. Usually, no one is walking around the quad.There are also benches right outside of the MacLaurin building.

Tip: If you plan on sitting on the ground, bring a raincoat or a jacket to sit on. It rains a lot here and the ground is always damp. 

7.  Mac’s. If you enjoy studying in cafe’s like Starbucks and the one located at the Biblio, you’ll love this study space. It is a part of the MacLaurin building and is home to stylish stools, cozy chairs and some of the best sandwiches on campus.

Tip: It is a pretty small space ; don’t bank on a guaranteed spot!

8. B wing of the MacLaurin building. This home to the music department is spacious and has desks located throughout. You can allow yourself to take breaks by getting lost in some of the beautiful art surrounding you.

Tip: this area is almost empty during the weekends !

So those are the top 8 places that might help you study for finals and term papers that are coming up. Check out one of these locations and see if it works for you. Don’t lose focus! We are almost done!



I am a first year at UVIC. I am majoring in psychology. I'm an out-going, optimistic, and smart girl. Who's love to volunteer my time to help out and better my community.
Originally from Calgary, Alberta, Melissa Guenette currently studies business at the University of Victoria's Peter B. Gustavson School of Business. When she's not studying for midterms or finals, Melissa enjoys reading Harry Potter, being out in nature, and considers herself a connoisseur for all things dessert related. With her dry sense of humour and charismatic personality, she often leaves a room in stitches, a quality she considers beneficial while working on HerCampus' UVic Chapter. Follow her on Twitter @MelGuenette.