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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.

We have reached that time in the year when life becomes a blur of books and papers, exams and labs, and cup after cup of coffee. And while we still want to be able to go out and look our best, sometimes we just don’t have the time!

Regardless, I am of the opinion that taking a few extra minutes to put together a good outfit can really perk us up, and give us more confidence to go out and get things done. So, given the studious nature of student life these days, here are a few cute and casual looks that you can easily put together for any study event.

1. Study Session in the Library or Café

Cute and casual! A pair of jeans along with a soft long sweater looks put together while being super comfortable! Add a scarf for embellishment (and warmth!) along with a pair of comfy flats for a pop of colour and you’re set!

2. Study Date 

Dresses are honestly a girl’s best friend – its one piece of clothing you can throw on, there is no annoying waistband, and you always look fabulous! Throw on a nice cardigan or sweater, a comfortable pair of boots and you’re ready!

3. Study Session at home or at a friend’s house


The clothing item we’ve all been waiting for: sweat pants! Try a slim fit with a long flowy tee or sweater, infinity scarf, Uggs or Toms and done! You’ll look super cute, while remaining incredibly comfy and ready to study! 

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Elizabeth is an undergraduate psychology student at the University of Victoria. She is a lover of the performing arts, the Avengers, comfort food, and tall tall shoes. Hailing from Ontario, Elizabeth looks forward to soaking up the West Coast sunshine, sipping Flat Whites, and getting to know the Greater Victoria community. 
Originally from Calgary, Alberta, Melissa Guenette currently studies business at the University of Victoria's Peter B. Gustavson School of Business. When she's not studying for midterms or finals, Melissa enjoys reading Harry Potter, being out in nature, and considers herself a connoisseur for all things dessert related. With her dry sense of humour and charismatic personality, she often leaves a room in stitches, a quality she considers beneficial while working on HerCampus' UVic Chapter. Follow her on Twitter @MelGuenette.