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Nathan Bird

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.

Birthday:  July 17, 1979

Hometown: Tofino, BC
Major: Biology
Ideal/Potential Job: Science Journalist
Describe yourself in three words: Curious but skeptical
Relationship Status: Single
Favorite Sport to watch: UFC
Favorite Sport to play: Kickboxing
Hobbies: Reading books, blogging (see memescreen.com), following the news, arguing with friends, playing music, haunting steam-rooms.
Favorite beverage? Tea: Earl Grey, Hot
Something you can’t live without: Bones
If you were a superhero, who would you be and why?
 I would be Red Arrow. To find out why, just Google images “Red Arrow” and “real life superheroes”. All will be made clear.