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Campus Cutie Elly Graff

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.


Meet Elly Graff. For the past year she has been living on Res as a Residence Program Leader providing new students with opportunities and a positive environment. Originally from Alberta, this funny down to earth girl will be entering her third year this coming Fall. 

Name: Elly Graff

Hometown: Camrose, Alberta

Year: Second

Major: Political Science and Creative Writing

Relationship Status: Taken

Activities: Residence Program Leader for Res Life Education. Loves reading, writing and playing basketball. 

HC: What’s something you can’t live without?

Food. Just kidding. Uhm this is really difficult… Oh! EARL GREY TEA.

HC: What’s the best thing about UVic?

It’s great how small it is. Everyday when you walk to class you recognize people you know. It’s a pretty tight knit community.

HC: Do you like dresses?

Haha uhm only when they’re comfortable…? Yeaah I like dresses, I just don’t wear them very often.

HC: What movie do you refuse to watch?

Any movie with Brendan Fraser. I also refuse to watch Silence of the Lambs because at home my basement has a well which is supposedly an exact replica of the well in the movie.

HC: Describe yourself in 3 words.

Excitable, stubborn, and distracted.

HC: Who is your idol?

Ohh yeah I should be serious for this one… Probably Craig Keelberger. He took initiative at a very young age to start a movement and has kept it going today!

HC: What is your dream job?

If I could just sit, write, read, and raise a few animals on the side, life would be perf.

HC: What’s your favorite meal of the day?

Breakfast!! I’m always hungry for breakfast and I love tea. Oh and bacon’s delicious.

HC: Any advice you’d give to your younger self?

You’re gonna have a lot of knee problems when you’re older… so be careful.

HC: If you had one superpower what would it be?

To heal. If you had the power to heal you could clear diseases and help people in hospitals. I’d be busy 24/7 and be one pretty badass [person]. 

Originally from Calgary, Alberta, Melissa Guenette currently studies business at the University of Victoria's Peter B. Gustavson School of Business. When she's not studying for midterms or finals, Melissa enjoys reading Harry Potter, being out in nature, and considers herself a connoisseur for all things dessert related. With her dry sense of humour and charismatic personality, she often leaves a room in stitches, a quality she considers beneficial while working on HerCampus' UVic Chapter. Follow her on Twitter @MelGuenette.