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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.

Meet Abdullah! This intelligent engineer is full of energy. When he isn’t restoring old cars or doing one of his extracurricular activities, you can be sure to find him on campus. With a great sense of humor and an impeccable sense of style, he’s definitely a personality you should get to know!

YEAR 4th

MAJOR Electrical Engineering

HOMETOWN Lahore, Pakistan

ACTIVITIES Playing a lot of tennis, fencing, mild salsa dancing, restoring classic cars



HC: Where’s the most likely place to find you on campus?

The library, [in] the international commons is where I am most of the time.

HC: What advice would you give to your younger self?

Spend more time with your high school friends.

HC: Are you a morning or night person?

I’m an all time person. I will skip sleeping if there’s fun involved!

HC: What’s the number one thing you love about being an adult?

I get to come home whenever I want at night.

HC: What is one food you will not eat?

Grapefruit. It’s so bitter. They are deceiving.

HC: Pick a cartoon character to describe your personality.

Goofy, or one of those ridiculous people from Ed, Edd n’ Eddy.

HC: What is something you can’t stand shopping for?

I can’t stand shopping in general. I’m really bad at making choices. I need people to shop for me.

HC: What’s something that makes you really uncomfortable?

I don’t think anything makes me really uncomfortable.

HC: If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like and what would it be for?

Definitely a costume party. If there were a theme, it would be a Disney theme.

HC: Who would you dress up as?

Sully from Monsters Inc. or Wall-E. Wall-E is the best movie ever made.

HC: What’s your biggest turn on?

Weird girls. I would be so lucky if I got Phoebe from Friends. Strange girls are awesome. People who find funny phenomena behind situations. Easy going people. Phoebe is the perfect example.

HC: What upcoming movie are you most excited for?

The Justice League!

HC: If you could be any flavor of ice cream what would you be?

I would make a new flavor that would be like peach, but with cookies and cream.

HC: Where is your favourite place to go downtown?

Government Street. Beacon Hill Park, there are so many old buildings. I love it.

HC: What is your favourite song to dance to at a party?

Club Can’t Handle Me. I would dance to Eminem but I can’t (laughs).

HC: If you HAD to change your name what would you change it to?

I would have my last name as my first name. All the girls love it.

HC: If you were an animal, what would you be?

A zebra, or I would be a dodo. 

Originally from Richmond, British Colmbia, Jasmine Yadeta is a forth-year student at the Univeristy of Victoria. She is studying for a BSc in Psychology and Computer Science and is Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at UVic. She enjoys breakfast related food items (but let's be honest, who doesn't?), movies, and salivating when in close proximety to baked goods. When not writing for HC, she loves volunteering on and off of campus, cooking with wine, and awing at the occasional puppy. She is constanly sassy, highly motivated and drinks an immense amount of coffee.
Femi Tunde-Oladepo is in her final year at the University of Victoria where she is studying at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business. After her undergrad, Femi hopes to read law and master French, Spanish and Italian. She is an active volunteer in her community and enjoys working with the Rotaract Club on campus. Having filled numerous notebooks as a child, Femi adores writing — especially short stories. She likes to dance (spontaneously), listen to all genres of music, laugh loudly and be the sassiest person in a room. In her spare time, Femi likes to window shop online, go for runs and reorganize spaces. One day, Femi hopes to perfect the art of soft pretzels. Follow her on Instagram @femzieb to see her attempts at being artsy and pensive.