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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.

Have you ever been to one of Victoria’s trendy coffee shops such as Hey Happy or Discovery Coffee and been confused by their drink menus? Believe me, I’ve been there. So many fancy names (usually in a different language!) for what sound and look like the same drink. Never fear, though, because your friendly neighbourhood barista is here with a quick and easy list to make sure you sound like a pro next time you face the workers at your favourite hipster study space. 


Starting out simple. An americano is the closest thing to a standard cup of coffee. All an americano consists of is espresso (highly concentrated coffee, kinda like coffee’s equivalent to vodka) poured over hot water (or cold, if you’re getting it iced). These bad boys usually come in any size.  


A classic! A latte is espresso with steamed milk and microfoam (the stuff that makes latte art so pretty!). Usually, lattes come in sizes ranging from 12 ounces (equivalent to a tall at Starbucks) to 20 ounces (a venti). Though, most higher end coffee shops will only serve up to 16 ounces. Iced lattes are just espresso poured over cold milk and ice. Additionally, if you’re looking for a flavoured drink (vanilla, lavender, etc.) then a latte is probably your best bet!


Do you like the boost you get from coffee, but can’t stand the flavour? A mocha is probably the drink for you. Mochas follow the same basic formula as a latte, but with chocolate added. Some places will even have white chocolate options available! 


Feeling a little fancier, eh? Cappuccino isn’t just fun to say, it’s also a delicious drink. Similar to a latte, a cappuccino is espresso with steamed milk, but with a LOT more of that microfoam. They also are usually only 6 or 8 ounces, making for a much stronger espresso flavour. If foam is your favourite part of a latte, you might want to try out a cappuccino. You can’t get these guys iced, unfortunately, because it would just be milk and espresso, making it an iced latte!

Flat White

I always like to joke that a flat white is the anti-cappuccino. While it is similar in size to a cappuccino (6 or 8 ounces), a flat white is categorized for its lack of foam. It will typically just have enough foam to make a cool design on the top, but it is mainly hot milk. This makes it less strong in espresso flavour than the cappuccino, yet still stronger than a latte. 


This tends to be a drink that confuses people. Much different than a caramel macchiato from Starbucks, a traditional macchiato that you will find at a fancy coffee shop is espresso topped with a tiny bit of steamed milk. While this varies in certain shops, most fancy cafes will serve macchiatos traditionally as a tiny, typically 3 or 4 ounce drink. Please do not take it out on your barista, though, if you are expecting a larger, Starbucks style macchiato! 

Other fun drinks

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s do a speedrun of some other drinks or terms you may come across:

Affogato = espresso over ice cream. 

Red eye/shot in the dark = espresso shots poured over a cup of brew or drip coffee (not for the faint of heart!). 

Cortado = tiny latte (usually 6 oz). 

Breve = any milk-based drink made with cream rather than milk. 

Americano misto/Africano = americano made with half water and half steamed milk. 

I know that this is  a lot of information,  but I hope this list helps the next time your hipster friend invites you to their favourite coffee shop. Also, if you’re ever confused, don’t hesitate to ask your barista! I promise we don’t bite, and besides, most of us really enjoy geeking out on coffee drinks. But for now, happy caffeinating!

Aleisha Woodman is the Social Media Director at the University of Victoria chapter of Her Campus. She is in charge of generating and overseeing posts on the Her Campus @ UVic Instagram and TikTok pages, as well as writing and editing articles. Aleisha is currently in her third year at the University of Victoria, majoring in Gender Studies and minoring in Journalism. She has received numerous scholarships and accolades for her academic achievement both before and during her time at UVic. Aleisha has been with Her Campus since 2022, working as a writer and editor before moving up to be the Social Media Director. While her published writing experience is limited to Her Campus at the moment, she hopes to expand her portfolio in the coming years with publications such as The Martlet here at UVic. Aleisha specializes in writing on topics surrounding music, pop culture, as well as global issues and social justice. When she’s not writing, Aleisha is a barista and a huge coffee nerd always practicing her latte art. She’s also a pop-culture fanatic (a fangirl, if you will) who will often be found listening to 5 Seconds of Summer and Phoebe Bridgers, as well as reading her favourite romance novels.