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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.

Making a gift can be as much fun as receiving one, especially when it’s a kit! Kits are super entertaining to make because you get to choose exactly what goes in them!

Below are some of my favorite kits that make great gifts for friends!

1. Merry Kissmas Kit

Credit: Frugelegance

Got a friend who’s single and on the prowl? Get a mason jar and fill it with a bunch of kiss related items! Must haves include lip balm, mints/gum and chocolate kisses. Feel free to add mascara, lipstick or any other small piece of makeup if your friend is especially beauty oriented. Click here for a tutorial of the kit pictured above!

2. Movie Watching Kit

Credit: Happier Than A Pig In Mud

To start this one off, grab a large popcorn container (Dollarama sells these) and stuff it with movie watching essentials like a fuzzy blanket, some bags of microwave popcorn and snacking candy! If you want to go the extra mile, throw in a DVD, a list of movies your film addict can catch on Netflix or a stuffed toy for cuddling!

3. Kit Happens Kit

Credit: Dormify

Got a tense friend? Get inspired by Dormify’s Cheer Up kit  and give the gift of relaxation. Customize it with anything necessary for your friend to feel at ease. Some possibilities include chamomile tea, face masks and ,of course ,chocolate.  To add some suspense, wrap the gift and say it can only be opened in times of major distress (i.e. an o-chem midterm). Then, throw in some pens, pencils or post-its with words of encouragement!

4. Nailed it Kit

Credit: Pinterest

This gift is perfect for that person who adores anything nail related! Grab a small basket and fill it with the tools needed for a great mani. Throw in a nail file and cuticle kit (like this one from Forever 21), a base coat, your giftee’s favourite colour and a fast drying top coat. Is your friend obsessed with nail art? Throw in some extras, like a dotting tool or a nail art pen.

5. I want to Drink Kit.

Credit: Something Turquoise

Got a party animal in the group? Why not make a DIY cocktail mix kit? Take your friend’s favourite drink and give he/she  a taste. More details on how to make this adorable kit can be found here. Don’t forget to tell your friend to drink responsibly!


Femi Tunde-Oladepo is in her final year at the University of Victoria where she is studying at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business. After her undergrad, Femi hopes to read law and master French, Spanish and Italian. She is an active volunteer in her community and enjoys working with the Rotaract Club on campus. Having filled numerous notebooks as a child, Femi adores writing — especially short stories. She likes to dance (spontaneously), listen to all genres of music, laugh loudly and be the sassiest person in a room. In her spare time, Femi likes to window shop online, go for runs and reorganize spaces. One day, Femi hopes to perfect the art of soft pretzels. Follow her on Instagram @femzieb to see her attempts at being artsy and pensive.