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The Ultimate Back to School Checklist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

Whether you are a freshmen or a senioritis-ridden student, the beginning of a new school year is always an exciting time for collegiettes heading back into lecture halls. No matter where you stand, however, the stretch between now and April seems rather intimidating. Not only do collegiettes need to go back to school in style, but all collegiettes should be able to experience the school year effortlessly as well. This is easier said than done, but nevertheless, here is a handy little guide to boost every collegiate’s campus life experience during the year

Back-To-School Essentials


When there is back-to-school shopping, there is always pens, paper, and stationary shopping. An unavoidable part of September, every collegiate will have bought stacks of fluorescent coloured ring notebooks and pens, never to be seen again after September. Although color-coordinating your stationary to classes is always fun, what about buying some fun, minimalist back-to-school supplies that won’t break the bank?

I recommend all collegiettes try MUJI, a lifestyle brand hailing from Japan. Aside from embracing the beauty of minimalist, no-name design, MUJI goods are durable and oh-so-cute. Coordinate-to-impress on your first day back in class with the multitudes of different coloured pens and markers available. Bonus points to the collegiettes who personalize their notebooks with the stamping station, free for all customers at their downtown store. 

2. KeepCup

The new best way to carry your favorite caffeinated beverage around is Keep Cups: a sustainable cup made to encourage us to embrace green habits. What makes KeepCup different from any reusable mug and container? KeepCup are not as fragile as their ceramic counterparts, nor are they as heavy as a thermos. KeepCups are also customizable and you can order one with your own color scheme off their website. Conveniently, the sizes of the KeepCups also correspond with the sizing of drinks from any coffee shop: small, medium, large. This effectively eliminates that awkward half-empty feeling when you order a Tall Pumpkin Spice Latte in your Venti thermos.

3. The Perfect Planner

A staple for all collegiettes heading back to school this September, I am sure that everybody remembers having one of these handy-dandy booklets given away to us every school year. So why not upgrade, since you are now a big girl now? For collegiettes who want a wide selection of different designs, try the Rifle Paper Co. designed agendas. Classy, glamorous, and beautifully designed, each agenda will motivate you to cross your t’s and dot your i’s on your daily to-do lists. 

School Year Necessities                               

1. Forest App

Back-to-school for many collegiettes also means sitting in what seem like endless hours of lectures, and truthfully, the motivation to keep your undivided attention on your lecture topic gets progressively harder throughout the year. It’s hard not to pull out your phone and text! How do collegiettes avoid such a distraction? The Forest App has the answer for you.

This is an app that encourages collegiettes to ignore their phones for a set amount of time by challenging them to grow the largest forest. Every collegiette can set the amount of time they want to be mobile-free to focus on their studies or a lecture, and a tree will grow in that set amount of time. In order to keep a forest going, collegiettes will have to try their best to keep their attention away from their phones. To make this more challenging, you can add your friends and compete in your forest growing and grades-grabbing school year. 

2. Evernote

Incorporating technology into our daily lives for both school and play is crucial for success. One of my favorite apps to keep everything organized and synched is the productivity app, Evernote. This app has the ability to to create virtual notebooks and is compatible with all of your devices. How easy is it to study pre-planned or even last-minute, when you can simply pull up your lecture notes on your phone? Definitely useful to calm the pre-exam jitters. This app is also college student budget friendly, since its basic functions are free! Upgrades are available for a more extensive and premium experience.  

Treating Yourself

1. UberEats

The food spin-off of the popular ride-sharing app, UberEats, is the answer to every collegiete craving take-out not found on campus, for a great price. The best part about UberEats is probably their curated lunch menu, which ranges from the infamous cookies of Momofuku Milk Bar to the mega-delicious sandwiches from Banh Mi Boys. The next time you are starving, on-campus, and craving some really good food, definitely order delivery from some of the best restaurants in Toronto. I mean, if someone has been a model student, up since 6am finishing that bleak 10-page paper, then a treat is surely well deserved.  

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Karen Li

U Toronto

Book & Media,Visual Studies + Writing and Rhetoric. 1T6 20 something-female at the University of Toronto with a penchant for spotting the best Thai restaurant around. When she is not optimizing the perfect take-out order, she can be found writing about culture, media, and lifestyle at her blog, http://www.plasticconfetti.wordpress.com