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So You Want to Start a Healthier Lifestyle?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

And so it goes – the dreaded part of New Year’s Eve where we make a list of resolutions, and things we want to change in the upcoming year. Throwing out the bad to make room for the good, and all that cliche stuff. But in reality, the resolutions we actually follow through with are slim to none. In this article I’m going to take two typical New Year’s Eve resolutions and break them down into simple steps, so that 2015 will be the year of the bikini body!

“I want to start eating healthier”

Such a broad resolution, how does one even start? I recommend narrowing down what healthy eating means to you – are you not eating regularly? Not enough raw food? Or perhaps you want to stop eating processed food? Once you narrow it down for yourself, the steps you need to take will become more clear. As a general rule, I would start by throwing out everything in your cupboards that are empty calories. Examples of empty calories are crackers, pasta noodles, cans of processed “easy foods” (ravioli, chunky soups), and then tackle your fridge (sorry, Hungry Man and Michelina).

A great way to eat healthier is to get as raw as you can. Try cutting out all dairy products and I guarantee you will notice a difference in your body. Throw out your processed milk, cheese slices, and fattening condiments such as BBQ, mayonnaise, and teriyaki sauces. These condiments are high in sugar and fructose corn syrup, adding nothing to your body that is worthwhile. Once you’ve cleansed your kitchen of temptation, it’s time to purchase some staples. Personal favorites of mine are almond milk, coconut oil, oatmeal, rice cakes, and hummus. These are some basic items that are delicious alternatives to processed foods. 

Overall, the golden rule to eating healthy is to get as raw as you can. Eat fruits and vegetables, proteins and healthy fats are good for you. Avoid these processed, “empty” calories, and fuel your body with things that will help it function. Additionally, water is the best thing you can drink and should really be the only thing we drink regularly (they call it beer belly for a reason!).

“I need to start working out more” OR “I need to start working out”

On January 1st, the gym is always jam packed with people starting their resolution to either lose weight or gain muscle. You slowly see the numbers dwindle as the month progresses. I believe the main reasons behind this phenomena are misconceptions about what it takes to lose weight, and subsequent disappointment when we don’t achieve noticeable results immediately. 

One of the biggest misconceptions is the myth that more cardio will equal more weight loss. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say it is because cardio causes us to sweat profusely and this leads us to believe that we are doing a good amount of work. Don’t get me wrong, cardio is great warm up and will get the heart rate pumping, but cardio alone lead to a loss of muscle and definition. I would recommend 10-15 minutes of cardio daily, and an additional 5 minutes to cool down and relax the muscles. The intensity of the cardio should be geared to the specific body part you intend to work on that day. For example on leg day, I would begin on the Stairmaster with an intensity of 6 or higher and cool down with a light jog. On arms day, I could warm up with a steady jog on the treadmill at a rate of 5.5mph or higher.  

The beginning of a new year and a list of new resolutions is an exciting time! Try to hold onto your goals, and having a healthy lifestyle doesn’t necessarily always mean weight loss and a six-pack. A healthy lifestyle means feeling your best, eating clean, and finding the time to workout a bit every day. Start with these simple tips, and from there you can adjust to what you want. Turn healthy living into a habit.

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