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Sarah Corinne Berger ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

Name: Sarah Corinne Berger
Year: Third
Major: Political Science and Environmental Studies
College: Victoria

What are you involved with on campus?

A whole host of things: Obviously (because that’s what this article is about), I’m a member of the Sustainability Commission, and direct the Fashion Show (which usually means that I participate in and support as many of the commissions projects as possible). I’m also the Clubs Commissioner on VUSAC (Vic’s student council), a volunteer at Caffiends (our very own fair-trade, student run cafe) and the treasurer of the VicDA (Victoria College Dumbledore’s Army, we raise money for children’s literacy). On a smaller scale, I’m a member of the Science Fiction club, and also the Werewolf group, whenever I have a Friday night to spare you can find me at either of those places.

How was it planning Vic’s Environmental Fashion Show?

Amazing. Fulfilling. Time-consuming. Really really stressful. I mean the Fashion Show is this very large event that I am so so passionate about, I love everything about it, designing, planning, working with people, etc. If I could spend every minute of the day on it, I probably would, but then I have other commitments and school work. For two years, this show has been my baby, and I’ll be really sad to let it go, but I’m really excited to hire a new director and see a whole other person’s perspective.

What do you plan to do after fourth year?

Your guess is as good as mine! I came to this university with a 10-step plan for what I was going to do and how I was going to get there, and every day after that, it faded just a little bit more, until finally, I’m just as clueless as the next person. I’m thinking that I’ll probably take at least a year off, to travel, and do cool things– like go tree planting up north, somewhere in the middle of nowhere. I’m vaguely considering moving on to higher education, either doing an M.P.A. or going to Law School. We’ll see.

Have any hobbies?

I’m a big fan of the visual arts, photography and fashion (obviously). I love reading epic and long fantasy series– ASoIaF is my life. But because I’ve incorporated a lot of my interests into my co-curriculars I don’t really see them as “hobbies” anymore. So I guess I’d say my favourite thing to do to relax is make a little fort in my bed, and watch Gilmore Girls, read fan-fiction and peruse Tumblr. I’m a really big fangirl…

Favourite TV shows? Music?

Many many many- so let’s just include those that I watch religiously no matter how much work I have due the next day: Vampire Diaries, Scandal, Downton Abbey, Sherlock.
The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan. I also love ADELE, and some more indie bands like Walk Off the Earth and the Black Keys. Amanda Palmer’s music may not be the most catchy or what I sing in the shower, but I really admire her. And Beyonce.

What does life look like for you in ten years?

See above question where my answer was literally – I’m staring into a black pit of nothingness. All I can say is that I hope that I stay in touch with all of my closest Uni friends. I mean, there are about 8 of them that are stuck with me forever, no matter what happens. But I’ve made so many other friends that I don’t want to only see at 5/10/15 year reunions. (Side note: what ever happened to that awesome TV show Reunion? Why do they always cancel shows that I would totally watch? Le sigh)

  • <3 Sarah
Vanessa is a third year student at the University of Toronto. She is majoring in Employment Relations with double minors in Sociology and Human Geography. She is excited to start the Fall 2012 year as the new Campus Correspondent after a year of being a contributing writer for the Chapter. She will be studying abroad at the University of Oxford during the summer of 2012, hoping to come back with many experiences to write about. Aside from her studies and Her Campus responsibilities, Vanessa has a great appreciation for style, health and fitness, travel, and the finest dining experiences Toronto has to offer.