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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

Edited by Ann Marie Elpa

I have to be honest, the news of COVID-19  freaked me out when I first heard about it; not just the fact that so many people have lost their lives in Wuhan, China but the fact that there was a case in Toronto made me so worried that I was considering not leaving my house. 


Of course, that is not necessary. We all have to attend school, go to work and continue living our lives, BUT, continuing our lives a little more cautiously than before. Protect yourself against COVID-19 by following these simple procedures! 


1- Wash your hands often with soap and water for AT LEAST 20 seconds. 


This is a simple step that can actually make a big difference. Especially if you are working as a barista or handle cash all day, it is a good idea to wash your hands as much as possible. If you don’t have access to water and soap, alcohol-based hand sanitizer should be your go-to! 


2- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue! 


This again is common logic. Since this virus can travel through air, it might be a good idea to wear a mask if you feel sick, especially in public. Please make sure you cover your mouth! 


3- Avoid close contact with people who are sick! 



It might be a good idea to keep your distance with people who are sick, but again, please be courteous to others! I have been observing discriminatory actions against Chinese (or Asian in general) people in my classes due to this virus. The case of Coronavirus is a GLOBAL health crises which can affect anyone, not just those of Asian descent, 


4- Stay home if you are sick! 


Attendance is very important at UofT, so I understand that no one want to lose participation marks by staying home but believe me, when you tell your professor or TA, they totally understand. Try asking them if you can gain participation points via a small write up for that week. It worked for me so hopefully, it can work for you too!


Just a reminder that this virus has only been deadly for those whose immune system is not strong, like old people and babies, so there is no need to panic, but please be cautious. 

Oya Darıcı

U Toronto '22

Oya is a second year student at the University of Toronto, double majoring in International Relations and Political Science. She loves traveling, writing and shopping. Also, she is a huge coffee enthusiast.