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‘Famous Female Alumni’ Series: Kathleen Wynne

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

            You should be proud to be a collegiette at the University of Toronto! As you undoubtedly know, your school boasts a stellar reputation for its incredible academics and research. Of course, UofT cranks out thousands of alumni every year, many of which go on to do monumental things with their degrees. Did you know that some of the most successful women in Canada studied at your school?

            The Famous Female Alumni series was created to showcase the amazing accomplishments of some of UofT’s most successful female alumni. It will focus on a couple of women a week, and is intended to show all HerCampus readers how incredible educated women can be. We hope this series will inspire students to follow their own dreams through their schooling in order to achieve their own goals.

            This issue focuses on a UofT female alumnus who has made a name for herself in the field of politics. This is truly what it means to be a successful and powerful woman… Take notes, ladies!

Kathleen Wynne

           As the current Premier of Ontario and head of the provincial Liberal Party, Kathleen Wynne is undoubtedly one of the most powerful women in Canada. At UofT, she completed her Master’s in linguistics in 1989, going on to complete a Master’s of Education in Adult Education & Counseling Psychology from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) in 19951. She is the first female Premier of Ontario. She is also the first Canadian Premier to be openly gay, spreading awareness and support for the LGBT community every step of the way.

            According to an article by UofT news, Wynne has stated UofT has always held an important place in her family, having had family members who have been closely affiliated with the University (whether as graduates or professors and heads of departments)2. Wynne recently stunned the province of Ontario by winning an unexpected majority in the June provincial election, holding her place as Premier for another election period.

            Politics is something that is always up for debate. Every leadership comes with controversy, and of course, not everyone will agree with all that happens when someone new comes into power. But you don’t need to be pro- or con-Liberal to recognize this: Kathleen Wynne is as much an inspiration for women in general as aspiring female politicians. She demonstrates amazing leadership and is an excellent example of powerful female representation in our society. Women like Wynne should inspire you: they pave the way for the rest of us young women trying to achieve our goals. Who knows where being a UofT grad will take us someday?



1. “Alumni Spotlight.” OISE: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. January 1, 2012. Accessed August 25, 2014. http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/guestid/oise/Alumni_Friends/About_Alumni/Alu….

2. Christie, Alan. “Which U of T Alumni Have a Seat at the Ontario Cabinet Table?” U of T News. July 7, 2014. Accessed August 25, 2014. http://news.utoronto.ca/which-u-t-alumni-have-seat-ontario-cabinet-table

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 First-year social science student planning to major in Criminology or Ethics, Society, and Law.