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Emily Fuller ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

1. Introduce yourself (:
My name is Emily Fuller. I am in my third year of life sciences at the UofT St. George Campus. I am a giant biology nerd so I am pursuing a major in human bio. Even though I am Canadian, I lived most of my life on the other side of the world.

2. What makes you a campus celebrity?
I wouldn’t really think of myself as one. I guess I have a passion for people and I really enjoy, okay, so in my third year especially I have really enjoyed meeting a lot of new people and making great friendships.

2. What are you involved with on campus?
In my first year of university I joined Varsity Christian fellowship. We’re under the umbrella of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, which has groups all over North America. Basically, we love Jesus, we love each other and we love being a part of UofT St. George. At the end of last year, I was asked to step up into a leadership role and I was like heck yeah!

3. Tell me more about VCF? What do you guys do?
We have weekly bible studies where we read a passage of scripture and talk about what it means and how it can apply in our lives. We also have community dinners every other Friday night. We eat and do random fun things like our first dinner of the year was a progressive dinner. We had a three-course meal where each course was served at a different house. And we walked as a group from house to house. It was kind of crazy but mostly awesome!

4. That sounds fun! What made you decide to be a leader this year?
I love the people I am with. I love the opportunity to be a bigger part of this community and I felt like this was something God was calling me to.

5. What is your most memorable moment with VCF?
 There are so many things! But if I have to, I think the fall retreat from first year is the most memorable. We went up to a cottage area, a couple hours north of the city. We played a lot of silly games and we had a great time of worship in God’s creation (aka nature).

6. How can you join VCF?
Just come out. It’s as simple as that. We always love meeting new people. If you want to talk about anything, chances are, so do we! If you want to find out more about us, you can visit our blog: www.uoftvcf.blogspot.com or you can send an email to uoftvcf@gmail.com and I would be super happy to answer any of your questions! 

Vanessa is a third year student at the University of Toronto. She is majoring in Employment Relations with double minors in Sociology and Human Geography. She is excited to start the Fall 2012 year as the new Campus Correspondent after a year of being a contributing writer for the Chapter. She will be studying abroad at the University of Oxford during the summer of 2012, hoping to come back with many experiences to write about. Aside from her studies and Her Campus responsibilities, Vanessa has a great appreciation for style, health and fitness, travel, and the finest dining experiences Toronto has to offer.