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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.


It’s never too early to get into the holiday spirit! Here are a few gift ideas to get you ready for the perfect [and according to most, THE BEST] holiday of the year. We’re talking about really simple and quick gifts that can be personalized to suit even the most eccentric of tastes. You don’t have to go breaking your piggy bank for these gifts, nor do you have to spend days and days making them. What better way to show your love and appreciation for friends and family than by giving them these personalized gifts?

Bonus? These gifts are great for any celebration or holiday!


Scented Candles

All you’ll need is some beeswax, jars, wicks, glue, water, a pot and essential oils. First you’ll need to heat a pot of water and place a glass bowl that just fits above the pot ( You don’t want the glass bowl to touch the bottom of the pot). Add the wax and bring the water to a boil. Now glue the metal end of the wick to the bottom of the jar. Once you’ve done that to all the jars, you can stir in your droplets of essential oils. Rose, jasmine, lavender…just to name a few.  Pour the wax mixture into the jars; be careful to sink the end of the wick. Just let the wax cool and your candles are done! You can also make the candles different colours or have different scented layers (just let each layer cool before adding another layers).


Decorated Mugs

Just make sure you buy ceramic paint and that the mug is oven proof. You’ll need to bake the mug after you paint on it, to ensure that the paint dries completely and that the design will last for a much longer time.  Read the instructions on the label as each timing and oven settings differ. It’s time for your artistic talent to shine. This is one of the best ways to personalize gifts since what you want on your mugs is entirely up to you. Monograms are a good way to go. You could also do stripes or polka dots or write a personalized message.

Chocolate Covered Snacks

This is by far my favourite DIY idea. Not only is it fun to make but you can also snack on a few for taste testing purposes. You basically only need melted chocolate and snacks such as Oreos or gingerbread men or marshmallows. Just roll the goodies in the melted chocolate and set aside on a drying rack. Once cooled, the goodies go in plastic bags or boxes. Another idea is to place the snacks on skewers. The chocolate covered snacks resemble lollipops and are great stocking stuffers. You can also personalize these gifts by coating the snacks with sprinkles, nuts, or toffee.


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Vanessa is a third year student at the University of Toronto. She is majoring in Employment Relations with double minors in Sociology and Human Geography. She is excited to start the Fall 2012 year as the new Campus Correspondent after a year of being a contributing writer for the Chapter. She will be studying abroad at the University of Oxford during the summer of 2012, hoping to come back with many experiences to write about. Aside from her studies and Her Campus responsibilities, Vanessa has a great appreciation for style, health and fitness, travel, and the finest dining experiences Toronto has to offer.