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Conspiracy Theories: The more fun side of Politics

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

We all know the X Files theme song. The music that insights mystery and makes us wonder if what we know is really all there is. It snags an idea in our brain, that maybe we’re missing something so plain but we are too looped into the system to see it. Especially with the sense of connection through the internet and social media, and ‘hactivists’ like such that work with Wikileaks and Anonymous to create transparency in the government, the world we live in is prone to doubt and deception. Although there are general concerns in the world, there are some interesting and wacky conspiracies out there in the world, so these are my favourites that I have found:

Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer

This one is preposterous for many reasons, but fun to speculate even if it is serious subject matter. The main reason this cannot be a thing is because Ted Cruz was born. However the Zodiac Killer, the infamous Killer who stalked Northern California, acted in the 1960s and 1970s. Ted would have had to be either a Time Traveler or have some other device that would allow him to operate outside the constraints of time in order to be the Killer some people believe him to be.

Barack Obama wasn’t born in the USA

Now this is just ridiculous. This political conspiracy gained popularity in 2008 when Obama was first running to be the President. Many people claimed that his birth certificate was forged and that he was not born in Hawaii as the birth certificate, but rather in Kenya where he has family. This would make him unfit to be in office as it violates the Article Two of the US Constitution.

Hillary Clinton is actually dead and has been replaced by a body double

In the US political race of 2016, there were many lies and conspiracies that were going around that were used to attack candidates. One that was favoured by many Republican conspiracy theorists was that Hillary Clinton had gotten a body double to make an appearance to the public after she collapsed into a van during her campaign. They use many different pieces of ‘evidence’ to justify this, such as: the lack of body guards around her; the fact that in previous photos her ring finger is longer than her index finger, but not so in the pictures taken after she reappeared after collapsing; and, the fact that her hair didn’t look right. A famous impersonator of Hillary Clinton, Teresa Barnwell, was seen as maybe taking her impersonation to the next level by doing this for Clinton, but she then confirmed she had been in Los Angeles during that day.

Canada, the United States of America and Mexico are conspiring to merge into one Super Country Called the North American Union.

This may be the most ridiculous one of them all… or is it? This theory claims that the three countries are planning to merge into one country called the North American Union, as a precursor to the One World Government in the New World Order (no, I’m not kidding people believe this kind of stuff).  The currency for this country would be Amero and will be made possible by the NAFTA and Superhighway, both of which are real theories and things that exist, although not generally connected (or are they?!?!). This out of this world conspiracy is ridiculous but you never know…

Conspiracy theories are always fun to think on, but it is important to remember that they are just theories. I chose not to include some of the other, more stark conspiracies for respect to those who are affected by the consequences of actions that are implicated in said conspiracies (9/11 and such). Although, we should always be on the lookout for new information, and maybe even a new conspiracy. I have also linked a conspiracy video in the sources that is worth looking at, for fun if anything.














Jina Aryaan is one of the Co-Editors-in-Chief of Her Campus UToronto. She is a fourth year student pursuing a major in Sociology, and a double minor in French and Latin American Studies at the University of Toronto. She has been working with Her Campus since her first year of University, and she is also highly involved on campus through various other leadership positions. When she's not busy studying, you can catch her running around campus to get to her next class or meeting. When she has some spare time, she's likely busy writing, discussing politics, or spending quality time with friends and family.