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What Your Nail Polish Says About You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Penn chapter.
For as long as I can remember, I have joined my mom on her biweekly trips to the nail salon. Over the past 10 years, as my personality has changed and I have matured, so too has my taste in nail color. Though my taste has changed, my love of manicures has not – nothing beats the feeling of freshly painted nails.
For those of you who enjoy getting manicures as much as I do, whether you wear nail polish to express who you are, to keep yourself from biting your own nails (like me), to pamper yourself or to enhance your physical appearance, the nail color that you choose says more about you than you may think.
Nude/Sheer Pink: 
If your nails are always a sheer shade of pink or nude then you are a calm person. Getting a manicure is likely a relaxing and serene experience for you, and you like a crisp, clean look on your nails.
If you always rock a slick, black nail polish then you are an expressive person. You like to be creative and try new things that most people wouldn’t.
If your nails are always a vibrant shade of red, then you are an adventurous person. You love the thrill of taking risks and you are always bold and ambitious. 
Hot Pink/Coral:
If you sport a shade of hot pink or coral, then you are a loving person. You care about the people close to you and that love radiates from your nails. 
Deep Purple/Blue:
If you rock a deep shade of purple or blue, then you are a rebellious person. You march to the beat of your own drum and disregard just about everything that people tell you.
If you like to add a little sparkle or shimmer to your nails, then you are a dreamer. Your mind is often in the stars as you dream about your perfect world. 
If you like to paint each of your nails a different color, then you are a youthful person. You’re manicure captures your child-like spirit and allows you to embrace your inner kid. 
Accent nail:
If you like to paint one nail a different color than the rest, then you are a creative person. You love to explore new things and especially love to try out new nail color combinations. 
If you like to rock a neon color on your nails, then you are an energetic person. You are the life of the party and manage to never tire out. 
If you like to sport crackle nail polish, then you are a complex person. You are a bit rough around the edges and possess many hidden quirks.
Images courtesy of: Giovannia + Maudina.
Undergraduate student in the class of 2016 at The University of Pennsylvania studying English and Journalism. Avid triathlete. Aspiring ironman (woman). Lover of all things food and/or fitness related. Dog lover (especially my toy poodle, Martini).