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West Philly Tutoring Project Chair Allyson Even

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Penn chapter.

The civic-minded Allyson Even is not your typical college girl. Devoted to educating the youth of Philadelphia, Allyson spends most of her time between classes tutoring and running board meetings. However, in her down time, Alyson does make it a point to do the activities she loves that keep her energetic and fit!

Name: Allyson Boyd Even
Year: 2013
School: College of Arts and Sciences
Major: Latina and Latino American Studies,  African American Studies

What does your job as chair of the West Philly Tutoring Project at Penn entail? How and when did you get involved with WPTP?
I got involved my freshmen year by tutoring high school students! I have always foreseen a career in education because I am really interested in understanding and fixing the achievement gap. At the end of my freshmen year, I applied to be on the board and have been with the program now for four years. Now I oversee board meetings, manage all of our tutors and tutor children on my own once a week.

What does a typical week look like for you? It sounds like you are extremely busy.
This year has been really exciting and busy; we have our largest tutoring base this semester at 400 tutors. This means I spend most of my week overseeing board meetings, meeting with other directors, planning events and developing training materials and outreach campaigns. I have a large staff to manage and am always trying to collaborate with other groups at Penn – increasing our network is a huge focus.

Additionally, I tutor a sixth grader once a week for an hour and work 15 hours a week at University City High School’s board.

When you’re not working, what are some other things you enjoy doing in Philadelphia?
Working with the Philadelphia community. I really like how vibrant the city is, and I like being involved in different student groups.  I do salsa dancing at the Dance Academy on Pine Street. I also do yoga and just like to wander around the city.

The weather is getting colder. What’s your go-to outfit this time of year?
I hate the cold, so I just like to stay comfy.  I know I should be used to it coming from Rhode Island, but you will most likely find me bundled up in sweat pants and a sweat shirt. I just really hate cold weather!

And your favorite hot drink?
I really like chai tea lattes.

Since you’re a Campus Celebrity, who are some of your favorite real life celebrities?
Let’s see, I like Zooey Deschanel. I definitely have a girl crush on Shakira. Oh and let’s see, I’m in a relationship but if Ryan Gosling were to randomly show up, I definitely wouldn’t tell him to leave.

How about some advice to Penn girls about how to maintain their sanity and not get worn out from busy schedules?Get your sleep! I know that sleeping is the first thing Penn students cut out, but being well rested makes everything easier. Also, use Google Calendar!

I can usually be found… teaching at University City High School (or on the couch).
My favorite time of year is… Christmas time!
If I could only eat one meal for the rest of my life, it would be… That’s a hard question! Does ice cream count as a meal?
Penn girls are… too concerned about what everyone else thinks.
Penn guys are… that’s a good question, what are Penn guys?

Former editor-in-chief of Her Campus UPenn