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Turn Your Dorm Into Your Personal Gym

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Penn chapter.

While you’re biting into a warm Insomnia cookie, you start to think about that itty-bitty formal dress you ordered and then freak out over the fact that so far, Greek Lady and Allegro’s have played starring roles in your semester. Sure, Pottruck is around the corner, but who’s got the time to walk to the gym? Don’t fret! For those of you who can’t seem to find the will or the time to make it to the gym, here are a few ways to get active and exercise right in your dorm room!

Use your desk for more than studying.

Add a little twist to the regular push-up. Place your hands at the edge of your desk, just a little over shoulder-width apart and line up your chest with the desk. Keep your feet on the ground and your back flat. Lower your chest and bend at the elbows. Push your body back to starting position and try for three sets of 15!

Make that $150 textbook worth it.

You paid an arm and a leg for that textbook you never opened; now use it to tone your body. Lay face up on a mat with your knees bent and feet on the ground. Hold your heaviest textbook above your head with both hands. Lift your head and shoulders off the mat, keeping your abs tight, and lift the book in the air. Hold this position for one second and go for three sets of 20.

To trim your sides, hold the same book at each end in front of your chest. Lift your right knee to a 90-degree angle or hip height and hold it for one second. Rotate your torso to the right and hold for another second, then twist back to face forward. Do ten rotations on each side (one set) and go for three sets in total.

Show your chair some action.

The squat is nothing new, but now you can use your chair to make sure you’re going as low as possible. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and knees behind your toes without going lower than 90 degrees. Before you actually sit, pull yourself back up and do three sets of ten.

Make your laptop an exercise tool.

Not literally, but use it to search YouTube for great yoga exercises that you can do right in your room. Even if you’re not looking to get in shape, these can be relaxing and can help you stay focused while studying.

No more excuses, ladies. Get in shape for the summer without even leaving your room!