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Tom Timmins ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Penn chapter.

This week’s Campus Cutie is proof that chivalry is still alive and well in the 21st century. Whether it’s holding the door open for everyone, smiling incessantly or mentoring younger children, Tom Timmins IV is bound to sweep you off your feet! Keep reading to learn more about this athletic sweetheart.

Name: Tom Timmins IV
Year: 2015
Major: Biological Basis of Behavior
Hometown: Phoenixville, Pennsylvania 
Extracurriculars: Track team, one of the social chairs of Delta Tau Delta, Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentoring Program 
Age: 19
Birthday: December 22nd
Languages: English and Spanish
Relationship status: Single

Most time-consuming aspect of your life at Penn? Studying, unfortunately
What did you did this summer: Stayed at Penn, took summer classes…I took chemistry so it wasn’t necessarily the picturesque summer you’d have in mind, but I made the most of it and it was productive. I got to go to the Jersey Shore every once in a while.
Favorite food: Ice cream, mint chocolate chip. I was a professional ice cream scooper.
Dog person or cat person? Dog person
What is the first thing you notice about a girl? Eyes and hair, smile’s up there too!
What do you find most appealing about girls at Penn? Girls at Penn are very smart not only the classroom, but also in relationships. Socially, they’re good at interacting and very interesting. They bring a lot to the table.
What do you look for in a girl? Great personality, likes to laugh, likes to have fun, likes to dance (I watch Dancing with the Stars every now and then)
Perfect first date: Something we’ve both never done before that we can enjoy together
Do you believe in soulmates? I sort of do, I don’t feel strongly about it, you can get along with multiple people.
Do you believe in love at first sight? I believe in interest at first sight.
Favorite pick-up line: A great conversation is my pick-up line.
Celebrity crush: Jennifer Aniston
Describe yourself in three words: Optimistic, caring, fun-loving
Penn bucket list: A late night visit to the broken Button
Words to live by: I live by a lot of words, I’m a man of many words.
Most memorable experience at Penn: My first day