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Osiris Pichardo, ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Penn chapter.

This week’s Campus Cutie is an enthusiastic photographer with a burning passion for all things cinema-related! This unconventional Whartonite sums up his personality in a few words: “I love people!” Keep reading to learn more about this lovely Dominican who was named after the Egyptian god of the underworld!

Name: Osiris Pichardo
Age:  19           
Birthday:  June 15, 1993
Year: 2015
Speaks: Spanish, English, Portuguese
Major: Wharton undecided, minor in Cinema Studies
Hometown: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Relationship status: Single

Extracurriculars: Undergraduate Media and Entertainment Club, and I guess I can count watching a million movies and shows as an extracurricular.
Most time-consuming aspect of your life at Penn: Watching movies and shows, and looking for a summer job in entertainment
Weekend plans: Surprisingly, I watch new movies that come out, and I hang out/go out with friends.
Perfect spring break: I’d like to travel…I’ve never been to New Zealand, so that would be good.
Favorite music: Rock mostly
Favorite TV shows: Freaks and Geeks, Sports Night, How I Met Your Mother (obviously), 30 Rock
Favorite food: Dominican food, obviously! Usually it’s rice and beans, and some sort of meat.
Cat person or dog person: Dog person
What do you find most appealing about Penn girls? Every girl I meet has an interesting story pretty much.
Perfect first date: Dinner and a movie is good. (I know it’s typical, but I really love movies!)
What do you look for in a girl? Honesty, I cannot stand lies and games and manipulation.
Do you believe in soul mates? Not really, there are people who are right for each other but not particularly soul mates.
Do you believe in love at first sight? It hasn’t happened to me, so not at the moment, no.
Favorite pick-up line: Yo hablo mami…JK JK, I don’t use pick-up lines.
Celebrity crush: Emma Watson
College bucket list: I’d like to give some big speech in front of a big group of people! I like talking to people, I mentored a lot of kids at my high school.

Former editor-in-chief of Her Campus UPenn