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10 Little Things to be Thankful for

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Penn chapter.

Ah, November. That in-between month where the work starts to pile up, the midterms never stop and Thanksgiving break seems too far away. While the recent election may have spiced up the month and taken your mind off of school for a bit, it probably also left you sleep-deprived and overwhelmed by politics. As you trudged through last week’s “wintery mix,” you may have found yourself grumbling under your breath about school, time or just life in general. But before things get too out of hand, I urge you to take a step back and look at November as a time to reflect on the things that you’re grateful for. At the Thanksgiving dinner table, people usually voice their gratefulness for their family, friends and good health. But don’t forget to be thankful for the little things that push us through our daily 3 p.m. slump. As Cynthia Ozick said, “We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” Click below for a list of things that may be commonplace but are definitely things to be grateful for.
1. Freedom of Speech
You know all those uninhibited, rashly one-sided tweets you let loose on election night? Despite possibly losing a few followers, your opinions didn’t cost you a thing. Be grateful that we live in a country with freedom of speech, where anyone and everyone is encouraged to take a stance. 

2. Education
We can actually go to school. Universal education for both genders is still not a global norm. In the poorest countries in the world, 50% of girls do not attend secondary school. So the next time you are tempted to stay in bed and skip all of your classes, think about how you’re privledged to have the opportunity to attend those lectures in the first place.

3. Starbucks Red Cup Campaign
Yes, it is finally red cup season at Starbucks. Therefore, you are officially able to get excited for the holiday season. There is just something so festive about warming your hands with a red cup as opposed to the boring white ones, am I right?

4. No More Humidity
Depressed about the coming cold? Here’s an upside: the days of frizz-inducing humidity are behind us. Find out which winter hairstyle is best for you!

5. Winter Fashion
On the same note, just think about the new outfit opportunities that this chilly weather creates. More cold = more clothes. It’s only logical, right?

6. Philadelphia
We live in a really awesome city. Philadelphia has something for everyone–whether you’re into music, food, shows, art, you name it, Philly has something for you. All cultural entertainment aside, Philadelphia is also brimming with an important and interesting history. Here are 50 Fun Facts about Philly that I bet you didn’t already know.

7. Movies
There are a number of awesome movies being released in November. Life of Pi, Skyfall and the final installment of the Twilight saga are a few of the more popular, well-known films that will hit the screen this month. However, don’t forget about Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln, full of history, conflict and inspiration, showing in limited theaters starting November 9th. Anna Karenina, the romantic period piece starring Kiera Knightley, will also arrive at limited theaters on November 16th.

8. Pumpkin-Flavored Everything
Peppermint will have its moment in December, but for right now, pumpkin is all the rage. Einstein’s Bagels has pumpkin bagels, pumpkin cream cheese and those delicious pumpkin muffins. Starbucks has pumpkin spice lattes and pumpkin bread, and Dunkin Donuts even sells pumpkin spice K-cups for your Keurig machine. Make sure to take full advantage of these seasonal offers! Also, try out this recipe for pumpkin cinnamon streusel pancakes to (literally) spice up your Sunday brunch.

9. Gangnam Style
PSY’s “Gangnam Style.” Seriously, this music video is guaranteed to make you smile. In fact, apparently it has managed to bring “a smile to the faces of a 10th of the world’s population.” As of November 8th, it broke a Guinness World Record to become the most popular video in YouTube history with 4,919,843 “likes.”

10. You!
Above all else, be thankful for you. Yes, you may be cold and tired, but you still woke up this morning, and you will wake up tomorrow morning. You have something to bring to the world that no one else will be able to give. Midterm season can be rough, but it shouldn’t dictate your self-worth. This month, practive positive self-talk and be kinder to yourself—your future self will thank you!

Former editor-in-chief of Her Campus UPenn