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You Need to Try This Super Healthy Ancient Greek Diet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

By now, everyone and their mother has tried – or at least, heard of – the famous Mediterranean diet. But have you heard of the Cretan diet? 

Crete is Greece’s southern-most and largest island. A popular vacation spot, Crete is also home to a super interesting and rich history. Along with that history comes an ancient – and super healthy – dietary lifestyle, which is still followed by Cretans today. 

Of course, being an ancient culture, Cretan food was naturally unprocessed. Traditional dishes were mostly made up of tons of fresh produce and herbs, drenched in olive oil, and usually cooked over a fire. The Cretan diet was built on whatever could be found on the island or in the sea, and even today, having access to all this local food has made Cretan people some of the healthiest in the world. 

The Cretan diet isn’t just full of fresh veggies and ingredients; it’s also loaded with healthy, nutritious fat! Yep, you read that right. The Cretan population traditionally ingested 40% of their daily calories from fat, and 30% of that came from extra virgin olive oil. Interestingly, extra virgin olive oil – which has a peppery burn when it’s of good quality – is a strong anti-inflammatory ingredient, and is great for our health. 

*Insert any photo of olive oil or Greek food* 

Another important component of the Ancient Cretan diet which carries on today is drinking wine – at lunch, dinner, or any other meal! With that, Cretans often consumed whole-grain sourdough-style bread daily, and a safe portion of naturally low-fat cheeses, like feta and other goat cheeses. Beans, which are proven today to lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes, were a primary source of nutrition in the Cretan diet. Freshly caught seafood, nuts, grass-fed cattle, chicken and eggs were also added to their menu. 

While all these nutrient-rich ingredients are an important part of following the Cretan diet, there’s one big component to this lifestyle which doesn’t involve food at all. Ancient Cretans, just like present-day Cretans, placed a huge value on community and eating together. For Cretans, and Greeks in general, gathering for a meal is just as important as the dish itself. 

In today’s digital, on-the-go Zoom world, we often forget to slow down and enjoy the time we have with our loved ones. We’ll often opt for a quick, ready-made meal than a simple, healthy fresh one. We can follow in the Ancient Cretans’ footsteps and embrace a healthier lifestyle and way of living. 


Just your average criminology major, who enjoys watching Supernatural, The Boys and occasionally catching a hockey game. Probably off somewhere writing a novel!