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Winter: A Kid’s Perspective Vs. An Adult’s

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.
Recently, it was finally cold enough for it to actually snow and I ended up getting really excited even though it melted right away. I started thinking of how winter has changed for me from when I was a kid to now. 
Waking up first thing in the morning used to be like this: excited, rushing downstairs to look at the snow, then running to parents to ask to play, who’d then complain that it was way to early to be awake. 
They were right. Now, there’s no way we’re getting up before noon unless are alarm clocks for us too.
Going outside during the wintertime has always meant putting on more layers, but kids take this to mean getting ready for rolling around in the snow. Remember what it was like to need to go to the washroom after finally getting everything on?
Now we get to wear whatever we want, and the choices are endless when it comes to winter fashion. Good-bye purely functional clothes, hello cute and warm clothes!
Being outside as a kid meant having to walk around always alert. You never knew who might think that dropping a bunch of snow down your coat would be a funny joke, or from what direction a snowball could come at you.
Considering few people even walk around with the right mitts to be willing to pick up snow, now we all just kind of appreciate it from a distance. Preferably with a warm drink in our hands. Any of the numerous special holiday drinks from your favourite coffee shop will do.
Parents were always on our backs to wear a scarf, put on that hat, zip up our jackets, and plethora more. All to make sure we wouldn’t come home with a cough yet most of us probably did anyway.
By now, most of us have figured out what makes us sick, and we’ve gotten pretty good at avoiding it. One of the best feelings is being able to get through winter without catching that cold that comes around every year.
As kids, we looked up at the sky to see snow falling and it was the most exciting thing ever. We’d all want to run outside, stick out our tongues, and already start planning on making snowmen. Winter was the best.
As adults, that hasn’t really changed. Even though this winter won’t be our first, and we’ve seen enough to know all the Christmas specials on TV off by heart, it’s still a magical time. 
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