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What It’s Like to Go Home for Reading Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

There’s nothing more exciting than the start of a new school year, but by the time October rolls around, collegiettes™ only have one thought on their mind: reading week. It’s the moment when you get to take a well-deserved break in between midterms, when you can go home and see your friends and family that you’ve barely talked to in the past month-and-a-half, and enjoy luxuries like home cooked meals and showers without flip-flops.

Here is what it’s like to go home for reading week:

At first you’re super excited. You’re going home and you’ll finally get to catch up with your family and friends back home:


Your mom has made you a huge welcome home dinner and you dig in, for once, not having to worry about the cooking or the dishes piling up:


And because your mom is more than happy to pile the food on your plate, maybe you start taking advantage of her a little too much (thank God she doesn’t mind):


You’re so happy to be back in your own room, with a bed that you can actually fit in. So you do the obvious thing:


You also appreciate the fact that you don’t have to share a shower with fifteen other girls on your rez floor. Isn’t this so much more relaxing?


You explore your hometown and catch up with your old friends:


So it’s normal that a few days into the week, you’re feeling like this:


But then, after a while, the lack of independence starts getting on your nerves. Really, your dad wants to know where you’re going out and who you’ll be hanging out with? You’re not twelve anymore.


So you try to explain to him that he doesn’t need to keep track of your every move anymore. You can take care of yourself! And he’s like:


And then there’s the fact that your parents want to know all about your new life:



And you’re not sure you want to tell them about that frat guy you’ve been seeing and the time you danced on the table.

You want to sleep, since it’s your week off, but your little sister, mom and/or dog just don’t understand that and jump on you every morning


Soon enough, you start missing those girly nights with your roomies:

And when the time rolls around for you to go back to campus, you’re not as sad to leave as you thought you would be.







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Héloïse Rodriguez-Qizilbash is a third-year Journalism student at the University of Ottawa. She is a regular contributor to her campus newspaper, The Fulcrum and loves to get involved on campus. She is trilingual.In her spare time, Héloïse likes to write, to go horse back riding and to take long walks.