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UO App: Easy tips and tricks to Ace your finals!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Forget paying $40 an hour for a private tutor, there are some simpler (and cheaper!) tricks to make sure that you Ace your finals. Regardless the subject or type of exam, these tips are scientifically proven to help you succeed! Desperate times call for desperate measures, and what time is more desperate in a collegiette’s life than finals season? These tips may seem a little out there, but beggars can’t be choosers, and let’s face it, most of us will take any chance at boosting our grades that we can get!

Drink water!

The jump from a B to an A, or even a B to a B+ can often feel like life or death. Sometimes this gap is closed as easily as taking a water bottle into the exam room with you. Research has recently proven that students that drank water while sitting their exams did up to 10% better than those students that did not. While 10% doesn’t sound like too much, it can often be the difference of an entire letter grade. One theory says that drinking water can stop students from being distracted due to thirst and can help to calm nerves. Another research theory says that the more hydrated the brain cells, the better the flow of information.


During exams, we hear from every side that we should take time and sleep. As students, we usually push this aside because let’s face it, who really has time for that when an entire semester of calculus needs to be learned? We often forget the importance of sleep during exam times as we try to cram right up until the last minute. But studies show that reading over your most important information right before bed helps you retain it longer. So forgo the all-nighter, and read through your most important lectures right before you hit the sheets for the night, and you’ll remember it that much better in the morning.

Go to the gym!

Finals mean that we also forgo our usual routine activities. Finals season is usually a great excuse to live in our sweats with our hair up in that super cute bun, and not leave our house for a week, unless it is to go brave the crowds at the library. Whilst studying takes priority over absolutely everything, make sure you don’t skip the gym! Don’t skip your workout; studies show that working out within the twenty-four hours before exams is beneficial in helping students succeed on exams. Exercising will enhance the production of endorphins, which will make you feel better about yourself, as well as reducing stress. Exercise is also a productive break from studying, and will help you clear your head. Going to the gym, while it may feel like a hassle even when it’s not during finals, but that great feeling and boost of confidence you get after your workout will make you feel twice as great!

Duplicate your study behaviour at your exam!

Small, overlooked details can often become big factors in your exam-time success. While studying is, of course, the key to doing well on your exams, studying in the same way consistently can have a great impact. Doing your best to replicate your study environment during an exam is a great help. For example, if you chew gum while you study, be sure to chew gum while you take your exam. Using the same pen on your exam that you used to study is also beneficial. Smells, too, are super important. If you wear your favorite Bath & Body Works body spray when you study, make sure you wear it during your exam! Duplicating your study environment during the exam can help your memory to recall certain details that it otherwise wouldn’t. These are all little tricks that can make a big difference when marks come out!

Wear what makes you feel good!

People-watching is always the best during finals. People always choose either a comfy look or a put-together one. Whether you’re the person rocking their sweats and uOttawa sweater, or you’ve spent an hour putting in effort to look your best, make sure you wear red underwear. Did you know that wearing red underwear is scientifically proven to help you perform better on exams? So throw on your favorite pair of red underwear, under your sweats or your skirt, and you’re guaranteed to succeed!

Finals are the most stressful part of any collegiate’s year, there’s no doubt about it. So in between freaking out – err, stressing about finals, and studying, make sure to keep this article in mind! Of course your time spent studying will pay off, but it can never hurt to try these tips to make the grade!



