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University Myths Debunked!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

We all have our own expectations about what we’re getting ourselves into upon entering university; what if I don’t want to drink? Will I still be able to make friends? What about the classes? How will I ever be able to pass a University class after coming out of high school??? No need to fear, many of the most common university myths are nothing more than exaggerations of the truth. Don’t believe me? Read on!

1. Sex: in the dorms it runs rampant; expecting to head to University a virgin? Good luck…

While casual sexual encounters are certainly more prevalent post secondary, by no means is it going to be your ticket or downfall for making friends. The idea of don’t-ask-don’t-tell, unless of course you prefer to share, is something to consider as well. A regular Friday night fling may not be for you, and waiting until you have a steady partner to take that step could end up saving you huge headaches in the end.   

2. If I dare switch out of my original program I will forever be behind in my studies, putting my academic career on hold…

While switching your program may indeed delay your date of graduation, how much more important does it seem to graduate with a degree that you a) actually want and b) will actually want to use in a career for the rest of your life? University classes are much easier to pass without dread when the content you’re learning is actually something of interest to you. You’ll follow the readings more, engage in class discussions, make friends in lectures easier, and maybe even look forward to those dreaded 8:30am lectures. 

 3. It is a rite of passage to sacrifice sleep and studies in the name of partying with your dorm-mates every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and occasional Sunday…

Drinking in dorms is certainly common and the cause of many a sleepless night or poorly achieved midterm. However, it is by no means a necessity for eager froshers if they want to make friends with others in the dorm. The great thing about University is that it’s exponentially less judgemental than high school probably was. To be honest, most students will most likely be more concerned about their own buzz than monitoring yours; plus, everyone loves a great DD!

4. You can expect your grades from high school to drop by at least one letter grade, if not more…

While every student experiences lectures and assignments at a different level of difficulty, I can tell you that professors are generally a lot more approachable than first years assume. They worked hard for their PhD’s, so ask them about it! Attend office hours, message your fellow students to arrange a study session, and definitely read the text book. There may be a brief lag between high school and university while trying to get your bearings, but staying focused on making it to those morning classes and putting in that extra bit of effort can go a long way in maintaining or even improving the grades you had leaving high school.

5. Trying to navigate the big city if you’re a small town gal – forget it!

This was personally my biggest fear moving to a new city for school; how will I get groceries? Do laundry? Do I need to bring bear spray with me when I go out? I can only speak for Ottawa personally, but I was surprised with how welcoming, clean, and safe I felt in the city. Service like foot patrol and protection service make a significant difference, so make sure to take advantage! Use your intuition; if the guy following you from your 7-10 class seems sketchy pull out your phone and head to the nearest well lit busy center. Groceries and laundry can provide an awesome bonding experience for you and your dorm-mates, especially when you end up getting lost in the market trying to find the nearest Metro. 


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