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Universal Children’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

On December 14th, 1954, the United Nations declared that November 20th will be the Universal Children’s Day. Indeed, on that day, in 1959, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was signed. On the same day in 1989, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was signed. The International community, along with governments, academics and activists have been fighting for decades to improve children’s rights. Unfortunately, we are far away from providing a safe and appropriate environment for our children. Did you know that roughly 11 million children under five die in developing countries each year ? That as of 2006, more than 150 million children, aged 5-14, are engaged in labour around the world? Also, in about 60 “developing” countries more than 50 % of the primary schools do not have access to safe water facilities. On this day, it is crucial to take a moment to reflect on how we can take action towards increasing the progress already made in advancing the respect of Children’s rights. While investing in children is as important as helping eradicate hunger in the world, by helping individuals at a young age, we invest in the future: OUR future.


“We were all children once. And we all share the desire for the well-being of our children, which has always been and will continue to be the most universally cherished aspiration of humankind.”

We the Children: End-decade review of the follow-up
to the World Summit for Children
Report of the Secretary-General (2001)



Photo credits:

Sally Dimachki



