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The Truth about New Year’s Resolutions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Sticking to your New Year’s resolutions can be daunting and I’m positive I’m not the only person who has lost complete sight of what they set out to accomplish through the year- every year we beat ourselves up for not being better than the year before and I am here to tell you right now to stop.

The first and only way to accomplish your New Year’s resolutions is to set realistic goals.  I mean, sure, who doesn’t want the body of a Victoria’s Secret model? While yes, with hard work and good nutrition anything is possible, don’t set yourself up for a situation of allowing yourself to feel defeated. Instead of making your goal “to look like Candice Swanepoel”, be realistic. Push yourself to be in “better physical condition”. For example, I would love to get to the 5th floor of Vanier without feeling like I ran a marathon.

Measure your accomplishments in attainable and comparable ways  

Accomplishing those little milestones will put a smile on your face and drive you to continue to set new goals- goals that you will want to complete. The easier it will be to track your success, the more likely you will be to continue following your resolutions. Whether it be saving money or getting in better physical condition, honour yourself for every little feat.

Make sure your goals are set to make yourself happy

I can tell you right now you are not going to be inspired to work hard and get A’s if that’s not something you want for yourself. While yes, a lot of the common goals we share may be health, finance and work ethic, if you’re not actually concerned with improving yourself in any of these areas then you shouldn’t be making those your goals. Look inside and see the things about yourself that you’d really hope to change and do it for yourself. New Year’s resolutions don’t need to be a before and after picture that you can share on Facebook. Sometimes they can be things like waking up every morning before 8 and taking advantage of your full day.

Take advantage of a New Year

Promise yourself that you will let yourself out of your comfort zone, or delegate this year to one simple characteristic that you find valuable. Try being more adventurous or confident, or simply being open-minded to new situations. This way you have the opportunity to use this in your day to day life. We seem to think that these goals have to be one large accomplishment, like a new body or buying a house, when really the biggest changes are made within.

The most important thing to remember is that New Year’s resolutions don’t expire. Maybe this year you didn’t accomplish all you had set out to do. So what? Let that carry on to the next year and allow yourself to continue to grow. DO NOT beat yourself up if you don’t have a six pack of abs by June. Continue to recognize your flaws and become comfortable with them. Too often people try to hide things they don’t like about themselves. Let them surface. Come to terms with your insecurities and then set a plan that will help you overcome your own issues.

Either way the most important thing to realize is this is a new year, a fresh start. You might not be interested in transforming into a new person but at least do the things that will make yourself the most happy. Whatever you choose to do, just do it for you. 

Graduated from the University of Ottawa with an Honours Bachelor with Specialization in Communications Currently working as a Content Coordinator at an advertising agency in Toronto. For business opportunities or cocktail recommendations: paulinakvanschaik@gmail.com