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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

The world is full of endless possibilities for travel. With so many destinations to see, it’s impossible to fit every inch of the world into a lifetime of traveling. Scrolling through my Instagram feeds, I like to follow a bunch of countries’ Instagram contribution page. For example, I follow one called IG Italy (@ig_italy), where they share photos from around the country that other users post and tag them in. Instagrams like these are one of the best ways to see what the country offers. While I believe that everyone should see the big cities, such as Rome, Rio de Janiero and Sydney, going to small towns can be just as rewarding and eye-opening. You get to see the not so popular sides of the country and how the typical people live.

The Food
While you can find good food in the big cities, taking a road trip to a lesser known town will allow you to taste authentic, local food. One of the best meals I ever had was a ham, egg, and cheese crepe in a little town called Les Baux, located in the Provence region of France. You could taste how fresh the ingredients were! Another perk is that the small towns generally have inexpensive places to eat. While in Rome you can get a bowl of spaghetti for upwards of 25 euros, you can find a bowl of spaghetti in a small, country town for 10-15 euros! Saving money and having the best food (who doesn’t love that?).

Less People
One of the most popular times to travel is in the summer, due to the fact that school is out and the weather is nice. The problem with this is if you choose to travel in the summer, you will fight crowds in every popular city. Want to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower? You will be waiting in line for a few hours. The perks of small towns is that because they aren’t as well known, there are no crowds to fight. Sometimes, it might not even be busy at all! You can wander through the town at your own pace, drinking in the wonder of the place you’re in (or drinking in the delicious wine, whichever way you want it).

Raw Beauty
Small towns allow for you to see the true beauty of the country you are visiting. Because these towns are generally not developed for tourists, they often have raw beauty that can’t be matched. It also is less smoggy because there isn’t as much traffic as there is in the big cities. This allows for everything to seem clearer and brighter, making for some stunning landscapes. You then get to see the country as the locals see it, pure and untouched.

The Culture
Want to experience life the way the locals do? Visiting small towns will immerse you in the local lifestyle and allow you to see how the people spend their days. You can wander the town, or visit some of the local landmarks. In many wine-producing countries, you can wander onto vineyards or olive groves and get a tour of the facilities. Locals are always happy to show you around and give you tips on what to visit. Not only will you get to meet some fantastic people, you will also return home with stories that cannot be replicated!

From personal experience, I can say that small towns are some of the best places to visit. You get a unique experience with an opportunity to see how the people really live, and get to meet interesting people along the way. Adding a small town to your list of destinations, even if just one, will make your travels that much better. Travel on, collegiettes!


Picture Credits
Landscape picture taken by the author
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Avid baby goat enthusiast who crossed the border from Boston, MA to study at uOttawa. I love writing about anything and everything!