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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Her Campus at U Ottawa acknowledges that we are located on the stolen and unsurrendered land of the Algonquin people.

I’m not the biggest fan of winter, and part of that is due to the absolute havoc it wreaks on my skin. My hydrated complexion slowly fades as the cold weather depletes my skin of all its moisture, leaving it dry and dull. All skin types are at risk of losing that summer hydration during this time of year, but the good news is that there are simple adjustments you can make to help winter-proof your skin and prevent damage!


As the temperature drops, so do humidity levels, making it important to switch to a gentle, hydrating cleanser that moisturizes your skin without being too harsh. Here are some top-rated picks:


Moisturizing is the most important step to protect your skin from the harshness of winter! Look for products that contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, squalane, and ceramides since these all help bring hydration back to your skin and strengthen your natural skin barrier. After washing your face, gently pat the moisturizer into your skin while it’s still damp to help trap the surface moisture.

Consider trying one of these popular moisturizers for a boost of hydration:

If you want to go a step further, you can lock in the moisture by layering an occlusive like Aquaphor Healing Ointment or Vaseline on top.


Although it may not be as sunny during the winter, harmful UV rays are still present and can damage your skin, which is why it’s important to apply a generous amount of sunscreen to your face as the last step in your skincare routine. I recommend opting for a mineral-based SPF, like:


I know it’s tempting to turn your shower to the hottest setting when the air around you is cold, but bathing in hot water can actually cause dry, itchy skin! Therefore, it’s best to use lukewarm water (or if you’re brave enough, go colder) to ensure your skin stays happy and hydrated.

Add humidity

Since home heating systems tend to pump out dry, hot air, humidifiers are a great way to add warmth AND moisture to your environment! Aside from preventing dry skin and infections, humidifiers can also help ease allergy and asthma symptoms. With these benefits, they’re definitely worth the investment!

change your PILLOWCASE

The material of your pillowcase can have an impact on your skin. Silk and satin provide a smoother, less abrasive surface, making them the ideal fabric for preventing acne, fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, if you struggle with an inflammatory skin condition, choosing a silk or satin pillowcase may prevent any further irritation.

Hopefully these tips will help you customize your skincare routine to the cold Ottawa weather. Incorporate some of these habits into your routine and the wrath of winter won’t stand a chance against your skin!

Angelina is a fourth year student pursuing an Honours BA in Communication. Aside from writing, she enjoys art, iced chai lattes, and heavy metal.