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The Miley Stewart Summer We All Deserve

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

If you’ve seen Hannah Montana: The Movie, you might know what I’m referring to here. If you don’t, Miley Stewart—played by Miley Cyrus—in the entire Hannah Montana TV series as well as Hannah Montana: The Movie, went about her life dealing with two versions of herself so that she’d experience the best of both worlds!

Her two lives were:

(1) a regular one where she went to school and spent time with her friends, and

(2) a rockstar one where she’d live out nearly every child’s dream of being famous.

But, in the movie, what her second life couldn’t hide was how her father noticed her changing (not in a good way). He believed that she was so caught up in her Hannah Montana-rockstar persona that she failed to prioritize her first life (mainly her family that was present). So, he tricked her into going to her family’s ranch over the summer. What seemed like torture at first actually turned out to be quite relaxing and life-changing for her, ultimately leading to more gratitude. Moreover, it was in returning back to the slower-paced and family-oriented lifestyle that involved living at and helping out on her family’s farm that led to her much-needed break from the hectic second life she led.

We’re not suggesting that you stop your life to go back to your roots, though, because we understand that’s not always possible and sometimes one’s past is best to be avoided!

What we are saying, however, is that we should each take the time to live that ‘Miley Stewart summer’ that’s more silent than it is hectic.

Give yourself a Miley Stewart summer this summer by:

  • spending quality time with your family and friends;
  • taking time off of work and other responsibilities;
  • being outdoors (and getting that vitamin D!);
  • giving yourself a break from electronics; and
  • investing time into your hobbies.
Molly Peach-Girl With Float In Pool
Molly Peach / Her Campus

So, what do you think?

Without even trying to, Miley Stewart has installed in many of us how to best prioritize ourselves this summer! Every time you rewatch Hannah Montana: The Movie on Disney Plus, you may be reminded of just how caught-up you can get in your busy life; when you do, remember to take a moment to be grateful for what you have and take care of yourself!

Emily Crandall

U Ottawa '24

University of Ottawa Alumna