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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

The cold winter months are upon us collegiettes and if there’s one activity I like to do that will keep us warm and toasty and let our minds wander, it’s reading. Flipping the pages of a book you just can’t get enough of is one of my favourite pass times. For those days you can’t bear to go outside or you need to take your mind off of school, get lost in a great book!

I have a goal of reading one book a month, sometimes I surpass this goal, and other times I barely make it. All depending on the amount of assignments, time management and content of the book, of course. Some of you might say that you can never find a good book, a book that has characters you can truly relate to, or a story line that captivates you from the very start. Well, I’m here to recommend some of my favourite books as well as recruit some of you to start to enjoy reading again. 

Girls in White Dresses by Jennifer Close

Although I’m only 21, I live in a world of people that are 25+ years of age, and are either a) planning a wedding b) have already planned a wedding or c) thinking about planning a wedding. This includes everything from bridal showers to bachelorettes and hey, I’m not complaining! This book by Jennifer Close was super relatable for me being the single and young gal that I am! The story is about a group of friends that are at a time in their lives, similar to myself, where friends and family of theirs are getting married, going through serious career changes and some heartbreak. What’s not to relate to! If you’re feeling like you’re having a quarter life crisis, I really recommend this book as the author uses a wry sense of humour to bring us readers through the frightening early years of adult hood where everyone else seems to have it figured out, except you. 

Chasing Harry Winston by Lauren Weisberger

Being the same author that wrote The Devil Wears Prada, I expected great things from Lauren Weisberger. I read this book in the spring of 2013 and really enjoyed it. The way that the story was told about 20 something girls (the characters are nearing 30) really allowed for me to connect and relate to the things that they were going through. It had some comedic relief and as shallow as the title sounds, I read the book super quickly and would recommend it to any girl in a heartbeat! The cover of the book wasn’t so bad either, a girl can dream, right? 

 Wait for You by J.Lynn

I recently read this book over the Christmas break and could not put it down. The story includes two main characters that are in university as I am, and right from the beginning this set the stage and I knew I would have a few things in common with them. The author takes you through some struggles that the main female character has had in the past and all along the way a love interest strikes. If anyone likes a good love story, it’s me! I got lost in the story as I turned the pages and finished the book in one day. It’s an easy read and was perfect for the winter break! Pick it up and give it a read over spring break, you’ll be wishing you were in this love story.

Finding It by Cora Carmack

When I went into Chapters and asked for a recommendation for a young love story or a book perfect for a 20 something like myself, this novel was shown to me. I’m glad it was because it had a different approach to the typical love story. Although somewhat predictable, I didn’t mind knowing what was going to happen as a young woman decided to set upon her travels in Europe and see where it took her, literally. There may or may not be a male love interest in this story as well but nonetheless, I was excited to read about what the female lead was doing, where she was travelling next (and with whom..) and imagining myself in her shoes wandering from country to country.

When you have nothing to do, and you refuse to face the Ottawa winter outside, read a book! It’ll kill some time, give you a break from social media and keep you relaxed. Not to mention it’s inexpensive. To the collegiettes who appreciate some alone time, happy reading!

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I'm a third year Honours Public Relations student at the University of Ottawa and am originally from Leamington, Ontario. I like to read, stay fit and spend time with family & friends!