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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Welcome to res! You now live with someone who may or may not become your new BFF, where KD will continue to be your comfort food, and where random people barging into your room will become your new norm.

Yes, there are common rooms in res, but let’s be real: your dorm room will now serve as your bedroom, your study area and your living room. Where else will your new friends hang out to try on your clothes, complain about homework, and get ready to go out?

                Here are a few ideas to jazz up your dorm room, without spending all of your summer savings at Target or Ikea. Let’s call it DIY (Decorate It Yourself).

1.       Origami decorations

Remember when you used to make origami figures for all your friends? I’m sure that your aunt that you never see still has a little paper crane on her desk somewhere.  Dust off your patterned paper, fold it up and attach some string: you’re making a mobile!

2.       Earring organizer

If you’re like me then you probably have a ton of earrings hanging in a pile on your dresser, only half of which still have a matching pair. It’s time to organize your jewellery, while adding a little pizazz to your room!

You will need: an empty picture frame, netting (the colourful stuff used in tutus or plain old tights), and staples


a) Fold the nettings so that it fits under your picture frame and is very thick. You fold it tightly or bunch it up so that there are loose folds of netting.

b) Staple the netting in place

c) Hang the picture frame on a wall, or place it on your desk. Hang up your earrings, and voilĂ !

3.       Trompe l’oeil picture frames

Ever heard of washi tape? Neither had I, until I saw that my friend had drawn frames on her wall with permanent marker, and decided that I wanted to do the same thing. But seriously, who can use permanent marker on their dorm room wall?


a) Buy colorful, patterned washi tape at Michaels

b) Use a book or a ruler to make straight lines on your wall until you have a square or rectangle

c) Apply the tape on the lines

d) Stick pictures, concert tickets, etc. in the frame

Want more framing ideas? Check out Omiyageblogs.

4.       Tie-dye pillow cases

Yes, you can buy pillowcases from Target, but wouldn’t it be so much more fun to make your own? Splash up your room with a bit of colour. If you don’t remember how to do tie-dye, get great instructions by watching this video.

5.       Mason jar planters

Mason jars are pretty much the most useful household items on the market. You can buy packs of four for $2.00 at the dollar store, or you can use old pasta and salsa jars for free!

Use them to store pencils, dry beans, necklaces or thumb tacks. For decoration ideas, check out this website.

6.       Modern thrift-shop art

Show your creative, fun side with these DIY masterpieces.


a) Find an old painting or picture at Salvation Army, Value Village or in your neighbour’s garbage. The more elaborate the better

b) Buy paint from the dollar store or Michaels

c) Paint over the picture: fluorescent geometric shapes or reimagining the painted royalty as a clown are great ideas


7.       Fairy lights

Colored lights, white lights, solar paneled lights – the options are endless.  Hit up Home Hardware at 140 George Street in the market, or the Walmart at South Keys.

Need more ideas? Check out Her Campus National’s 16 Easy DIY Dorm Room Decor Ideas.

Photo Credits:

Cover, 1, 2, 3, 4


I am a fourth-year student in the Joint Honours Communication and Political Science program at uOttawa. I love to travel, eat great food and write!
I am one of the co-editor-in-chiefs for Her Campus uOttawa. I am in my fourth year of economics and political science. I love to dance and eat chocolate. Check me out on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elizabeth.radtke Twitter: https://twitter.com/ElizabethRadtke Instagram: http://instagram.com/elizabethradtke Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/elizabethradtke/