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Mid-Year Check: How Are Your Goals Going?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Remember those goals you wrote in January? It might seem like you wrote them so long ago, but we’re halfway through the year and it’s time to see if you’re on track!

In the past six months, a lot has changed. It’s possible that your goals from January don’t align with where you are right now, and that’s totally okay! That’s why a mid-year check-in is a good idea: it’ll help you set realistic and achievable goals for the second half of the year. Let’s get started.

1. Evaluate and edit your list

To start, take out the list of goals you’ve made and go through them all. Check off any that you’ve already done. For the rest, evaluate them. Maybe the goal needs to be changed a little. For example, I tend to write stuff like “do more yoga” as a goal, but that’s not really helpful. The goal’s not quantifiable, so how can I work towards it? A better option would be to say “do yoga at least twice a week.” This way, I have a more concrete way of following my progress.

2. Cross out the goals that don’t apply anymore

Things change, especially over the course of six months. So there might be some goals that are no longer applicable. Maybe you wanted to travel this summer, but got a really great job opportunity instead. It doesn’t mean that you’ve failed; you’re just moving things around. You might completely cross out the goal, or shift it. You can travel another time!

3. Pick a goal and start working on it

The hardest part is starting. Sometimes it’s better to rip the bandage off and just start. Pick a goal from your list and go with it. For example, I have “grow a plant” on my list. Sounds simple, right? But I haven’t made any progress on that all year. With the weather looking up, I have no excuse. So, I’ll get myself a plant and start taking care of it. After I finish this item, I’ll move onto the next. If you take this approach, items will slowly but surely be crossed off the list and you can feel proud of your achievements!

The way I look at it, I can use these goals to grow as a person. I can do and try new things, and experience more from life beyond just the daily tasks that need to be done. So, use this opportunity to tailor your goals to get the most out of them and help enrich your life!

Sally Adil

U Ottawa '25

Sally is a third year Biomedical Science student at uOttawa. When she's not studying, she's reading romcoms and watching k-dramas.